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Monday, August 31, 2009

Saving Tips from Commenters

First, I would like to thank everyone who entered my book giveaway (10,001 Ways to Live Large on a Small Budget). I asked for tips/advice that have saved them either the most money or the most time. I received wonderful responses and here are what I gathered:

Tips for saving money
- Using coupons
- Planning meals/making up menus based on weekly ads, what is on sale, and available coupons
- Stocking up on sale items that we use regularly
- Buying meat in bulk from local farmers
- Making homemade laundry detergent
- Baking all bakeable items
- Sewing your own clothes
- Shopping at thrift stores
- Buying generic prescription medicine
- Praying before shopping
- Do not subscribe to cable
- Unplugging all the unused electrical appliances
- Doing family's hair cuts ourselves
- Buying in bulk when appropriate
- Comparing and choosing the cheapest products such as the inhouse store brands
- Visiting the grocery stores or farmer's markets near closing time for marked down prices/major discounts
- Drinking water (instead of other beverages)
- Planting gardens and then freezing vegetables to be used throughout the winter months
- Do not shop when you are hungry
- Cooking from scratch

Tips for saving time
- Limiting time spent on internet and TV/cable
- Having a garage sale (making a little money while getting rid of stuff, thus saving time from having to reorganize the mess)

Now...drumroll, please :)...The winner of my giveaway (chosen by is Jennifer Blanton. Congratulations, Jennifer! I've already contacted her.

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