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Monday, September 21, 2009

Corn, Chalk, Cage

On Saturday, we went to the annual Corn Roast Festival which this year took place on the same day as the Sidewalk Chalk Art Festival.  We enjoyed all-you-can-eat ears of corn-on-the-cob dipped in melted butter (Are you drooling yet? :)).  We then walked around checking out different booths and the chalk artwork on the sidewalk.  Evidently, there were several talented chalk artists participating.  The first two pictures, Jasmine and Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day, were done by our homeschool friends, Alea Joy E. (13) & Lexi K. and Emily E. (16) & Steve E. (Emily and Alea's dad), respectively.  They did an outstanding job and we're not biased :).

Mount Hood, Oregon

                  This one made me laugh :).  Poor Garfield!

    "In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path." Proverbs 3:6

John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches.  If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing."

Afterwards, we stopped by a batting cage where my husband and my 10 year old son had a blast batting.  My husband hit every single ball (a huge canon-like machine shot out baseballs).  Our boys love sports and are very good at all kinds of sports just like their Dad :).  My other son was a little too young for this batting cage.  The boys play baseball with Dad pretty much everyday on our property.  It used to be basketball everyday; now it's baseball.

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