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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Have We Committed a Crime?

"What is the greatest crime in the desert? Finding water and keeping silent." Eastern proverb

"Jesus answered her (the Samaritan woman), 'If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked Him and He would have given you living water.'....Jesus answered, 'Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.'" John 4:10, 13-14

We (Christians) have found the living water, but...have we been keeping silent? Have we committed the greatest crime in the spiritual desert?

      You Forgot My Soul

You lived next door to me for years
We shared our dreams, our joys, and tears.
A friend to me you were indeed...
A friend who helped me when in need.

My faith in you was strong and sure
We had such trust as should endure.
No spats between us ever rose;
Our friends were like...and so our foes.

What sadness then, my friend, to find
That after all you weren't so kind.
The day my life on earth did end
I found you weren't a faithful friend.

For all those years we spent on earth
You never talked of second birth.
You never spoke of my lost soul
And of the Messiah Who'd make me whole.

I plead today from Hell's cruel fire
And tell you now my last desire.
You cannot do a thing for me...
No words today my bonds will free.

But do not err, my friend, again;
Do all you can for souls of men.
Plead with them now quite earnestly,
Lest they be cast in Hell with me.

~Author Unknown

Are we truly loving our neighbors as ourselves? Are we doing all we can to reach the help quench their thirst by leading them to the Living show them that only Jesus offers lasting spiritual satisfaction?

"Save some, O Christian! By all means, save some. From yonder flames and outer darkness, and the weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, seek to save some! Let this, as in the case of the apostles, be your great, ruling object in life, that by all means you might save some." Charles Spurgeon (Note from me: Only God can save! I think Mr. Spurgeon understood that and he just meant that Christians need to reach out to the lost in the hope that they might come to the Lord and be saved.)

There's a must-see video for every Christian produced by .  Please scroll up to the bottom of this page to watch the video. 

Please visit here for the links to other Spiritual Sundays posts.  Have a blessed day in the Lord, everyone!


  1. OH! MY! what a powerful message you have presented! I am now asking myself, what kind of neighbor I am?. What an awesome poem! Thank you so much for sharing.

    I will look at this video, and read your daughter's article, Plentiful Harvest. Have a blessed day.

  2. This is a powerful point! Thank-you for this important reminder.
    God Bless,

  3. I've been asking the same question, of myself and of my family...are we neglecting the great commandment to witness? Wonderful reminder that we, unfortunately, need all too often. Thanks for sharing the link to the video, and your daughter's article...will try to find them both today.

    God bless,

  4. It is a tough question--what kind of neighbor am I. It was much easier when I first got saved to share the faith because almost everyone I knew well were unbelievers. Often as we grow in Christ we grow in Christian friendships and neglect non-Christian friendships.

    ps. my spiritual sunday post is on my regular "nannykim" blog.

  5. This is a powerful, much needed message. It seems that most of us just don't like to think about those we know, being lost. We have been commissioned to preach the gospel to all the world. Thank you for caring and for posting this message.

  6. What a beautiful post! I have to admit that I have not been sharing Christ like I should. What a wake up call!

  7. I just viewed the video. I hope everyone will take the time to go there and watch it. It is so powerful. Thank you for sharing this important message. Time is running out. We need to be sharing with everyone we come in contact with. It is my prayer that the Lord will give us the desire and the wisdom to do so.

  8. What a moving poem. I'm going to copy it and send it out as an email to my friends. Thank you for sharing. Have a good Sunday.


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