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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thankful Thursday #8

Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the Journey 

This week...
1. I am thankful for our niece's son who is turning one tomorrow.  He has been such a blessing...a bright sunshine in her life which is full of hardships and struggles.

2. I am thankful that my children have wonderful, God-fearing friends.  Few but fantastic :)!

3. I am thankful that my husband's wide angled glaucoma is not getting worse.  His eye pressure's test result on Monday was encouraging.

4. I am thankful that my children are not materialistic and they have learned that "it is more blessed to give than to receive."  Every year, they enjoy packing shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child and spending their money on Gospel tracts, Bibles, animals, etc. for native missionaries and needy families from Gospel for Asia's gift catalogs.

5. I am thankful for my Heavenly Father's unconditional and unfailing love.  He knows everything about me (my ugly side and all) and yet He still loves me :).  My earthly father was an alcoholic who physically abused my mom.  Eventually, my mom took my brother and me away from him.  Even when we were still living with him, we hardly ever saw him home (he was out drinking with friends and he also cheated on my mom).  Sadly, he does not know his own children; my brother and I do not really know him, either. (I did forgive him for everything.)  I'm so glad that my Heavenly Father knows and loves me.  And I know and love Him!

Note: Please turn off my music playlist at the bottom of this page before starting the video.


  1. Thanks for sharing this video. It is very encouraging. Thank God that He knows our names and He loves us dearly. No matter what we go through, He is with us. Thank God for His blessings on your family. May God bless you and family always.

    God bless,

  2. Thanks for sharing your grateful heart.

  3. Beautiful post and rejoicing with you that your husband's glaucoma is stable!

  4. So glad to hear about your hubby good news on his glaucoma.

    Hope you have time stop in for some coffee.

  5. I enjoyed the video. I enjoyed your thankful list. I hope your husband eyes get better. Doylene


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