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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday #9

Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the Journey 

This week...
1. I am thankful for the freedoms we have in this country.  While we enjoy the freedoms, please remember to pray for the persecuted church around the world.

2. I am thankful for all the men and women who have served our country.  Please pray for them and their families.

3. I am thankful that we were home when the heavy rain falls caused leaks in our family room's ceiling this Saturday (we almost left to go get our groceries).  My husband was able to stop the leaks promptly, preventing any damage.

4. I am thankful that the Lord helped me find what I was looking for.  This sort of thing happens time and time again.  My lack of organizational skills leads to more dependence on Him :).

5. I am thankful for my secret sister who has been praying for me and my family.  I received from her a lovely card and five $1 gift certificates for Dutch Bros. Coffee.


  1. Haha! I know what you mean about the lack of organizational skills :)

  2. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. You have an encouraging list here this week. My husband was in the military.

  3. Don't you just stand in amazement when the Holy Spirit guides you to where you lost that thing?! Great list!! He is ABLE!!

  4. A great list! I could do with some divine assistance on my organisational skill too LOL. God bless you!


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