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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thankful Thursday #12

Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the Journey 

This week...

1. I am thankful that I can rejoice in the Lord always (Philippians 4:4), in spite of circumstances, because He never changes.  "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8

2. I am thankful for my sister-in-lawlove (my husband's sister).  I don't have any sisters so she is like a sister to me.  She is very caring and thoughtful.  She is my kids' best aunt (only aunt :)).

3. I am thankful for the I Love Your Blog award (see my sidebar) given to me by Richele.  It's an encouragement to me to know that some people actually read and enjoy my blog :).  To God alone be glory and praise!

4. I am thankful for my daughter's beautiful heart and Godly character.  She is very sweet and helpful.  I love her behind-me-out-of-nowhere hugs :)!  She is such a big help to me...doing chores, teaching her younger brothers, baking, etc.  In Growing in Grace Magazine's this month issue, one of my daughter's four articles is What I Have Learned from My Mom.  All I can say is she's too kind :)!

5. I am thankful that God makes each one of us unique...not all the same as cookie cutter people.  Each person is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139: 14a) by the Creator of the universe.  Whenever we play Alphabet Name Game (an icebreaker kind of games: people in the group one by one say an adjective that starts with the same alphabet as their name's first letter and that describes them), I usually say "unique" or "unusual" since my first name starts with a "U".  I like the song, "More Beautiful You" by Jonny Diaz.  We are precious and beautiful in God's eyes; that's all it matters.  God has plans and purposes for our unique lives (Jeremiah 29:11).  Be yourself; be who God made you to be!  And if you ever want to be like someone else, choose to be like CHRIST!

Note: Please turn off my music playlist at the bottom of this page before starting the video.


  1. great list. enjoyed reading it. Have a great day. Sarah

  2. Isn't it wonderful to hear that your daughter values you! How cool! Have a beautiful day in the Lord!
    Wonderful list!

  3. Thank you for sharing your heart with us this morning.

  4. What a blessing when our children rise up and call us blessed!!

  5. You have a great list. And as mom's there is no greater reward then knowing we somehow made a difference in the lives of our children. Sounds like you did a great job! Have a wonderful day. Blessings, Debbie

  6. Love the music. I have always wanted to know why someone would put up copyscape. When you have time I would like to know. Is it to protect your family pictures. If it is I need to get it. You have a beautiful blog. I enjoyed reading your thankful list. It's wonderful to have children with kind, sweet hearts. Doylene

  7. Oh that is too much blessing.. I thank God also for giving me children who love the Lord.. God bless you more..

  8. Great post. You are blessed with a blessed children. I missed writing here already. I will try next time.

    God bless

  9. Great list! Your daughter is so sweet! Many blessings to you!

  10. Great post! I love the Johnny Diaz song. Have a great weekend!

  11. great list of thankfuls. when we count our blessings instead of sheep (love that christmas song) we see how God really looks after us.

    God bless you.

  12. I actually won this CD on a blog giveaway and it arrived yesterday. I was so glad to see that you posted this song. What an important message to all girls, both young and old.



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