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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thankful Thursday #17

Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the Journey 

This week...
1. I am thankful for our local speech/apologetics club that my daughter has participated in.   Her speech presentation went very well last Friday.  Her grandma, our neighbor, and some friends came to attend and they all enjoyed it.  She is becoming a confident speaker and a well-equipped defender of the faith.

2. I am thankful for the opportunity to host a weekly Bible study for the international students (from a local university) at our home again (we had done this before in the past).  I hope and pray that God will use our family and our home for His glory and that the students will be drawn to Jesus.

3. I am thankful for churches, individuals, and organizations (like Gospel for Asia) which share my passion of reaching the lost (especially the unreached) with the Gospel.

4. I am thankful for rain.  It is so refreshing.  I love the after-rain smell :).  I even enjoy stormy weather as long as it doesn't hurt anyone or anything.

5. I am thankful that God is patient with me.  Sometimes it seems that my sanctification process is so slow.  I often slip and slide.  I am also thankful that my family is patient with me.  I hope I am patient with others, too.  Love is patient!


  1. great list...I feel the same as the last one. ☺

  2. I also said I was thankful for the rain this morning. Knowing all those people in Haiti are dying because of lack of water makes me thankful for something as simple as rain. Great list.

  3. You really have such a sweet missionary spirit!! Many blessing to you and your ministry.

  4. I enjoyed reading your list. How beautiful to God is a thankful heart! My sanctification is slow as well... thank God for patient love. :o)

  5. Great list! Thanks for sharing. I love the smell after it rains too. :)

  6. Beautiful thankful list, very inspiring, thank you for sharing.

  7. awesomely stated :) thanks for sharing...
    may he bless your bible study

  8. We are all so blessed to have God's patience! Happy TT!

  9. How awesome to have a biblestudy for international students at your home!! We have one at work during lunch! God is so gracious! Full of Mercy.
    Great list of Thanks!!

  10. I am so glad I found your blog at UPrinting and I love your blog. I agree with the Thankfulness, even the rain, we were in a drought.

  11. I sooooo agree. That awesome smell after the rain. It is like.... a happy smell.

    Great TT post. See you again this week. Hugs, Lynn


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