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Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday's Fave Five #1

This is my first time joining the Friday's Fave Five meme.  It is hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story.

My fave five this week:

1. God's unconditional, unfailing, everlasting love.
2. My one and only Valentine.  My husband is loving and romantic, kind and polite, funny and clever.  A rare gem/gentleman!
3. Celebrating Life Contest at Focus on the Family.  By signing up, you can win one of their prizes, which includes a free trip to Colorado Springs! So, support the message of Celebrating Life and win a cool prize...I love it :)!  The contest ends on Feb. 14th.
4. Free science DVDs for our homeschool.  I have not watched them yet but they look very interesting.  The negative thing is that they are probably based on evolutionary point of view.  I'm glad my children are  Biblically grounded on creation.
5. My fantastic giveaways:- Win a $50 Safeway gift card, Win a copy of Angels by Dr. David Jeremiah, Win one 18x24 poster print (to be made from your digital photo).


  1. Welcome, so glad you joined in!

    I, too, am extremely grateful for God's unfailing love. Don't know where I would be without it.

    Your hubby sounds like a wonderful husband. Hang onto that one! :v)

  2. =) It was wonderful reading thorugh your list!

    And yes, I agree, giveaways are fun.

  3. God's unfailing love is a perennial favorite -- so glad his mercies are new every morning!

  4. Have a great weekend! Enjoy your valentine!

  5. Welcome to FFF!

    I look forward to getting to know you through your lists.

  6. Great list, and happy Valentine's day with your hubby!

  7. Welcome to FFF!

    I have a great valentine, too! Aren't they a blessing?

    Happy weekend!


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