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Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday's Fave Five #2

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My fave five this week include:
1. Dates (time alone) with my sweetheart.  Rare but precious :).  I'm thankful to get two this past week.
2. Our family's Bible/prayer time.  We enjoy discussing about the Bible with our kids and training them to be like the Bereans.
3. Reading.  So many good little time. I just finished Life Lessons from A Horse Whisperer by Dr. Lew Sterrett (with Bob Smietana) and now I'm reading One Million Arrows by Julie Ferwerda.  By the way, my 16 year old daughter wrote a review of Thicker Than Blood by C.J.Darlington at Growing In Grace online Magazine.  You can also read her interview with the author and enter her book giveaway.
4. Photography.  I love taking photos of God's creation; I have a photo blog called, "My Father's World."  Right now, I'm hosting a giveaway that may interest people who enjoy photography.  You can win one 18x24 poster print (to be made from your digital photo of your choice).
5. State of the Nation 2 with Ken Ham.  It is close to an hour long, but it's so good!  I hope you'll take time to listen.  Please turn off my music playlist at the bottom of this page before starting the video.


  1. I agree that there is so many good books so little time. LOL. How awesome that your teen is reviewing books.

    Yay for date time alone!

  2. I'm with you on the books. I have the Horse Whisperer book sitting on my desk here, awaiting my attention.

    Great list and I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your family!

  3. Your phrase "training them to be like the Bereans" caught my eye. What a worthy objective! Actually, we should all be like the Bereans and daily search the scriptures.


  4. Dates with my sweetheart are always a favorite, too. That reminds me that I’m overdue for one!

    How great that you have family Bible/prayer time. Those times are super investments that you’ll never regret.

  5. I love it that you have family Bible study time with your children. This is so important. I'm glad it's a blessing for you. I have a photo blog too! I don't have any pictures good enough to make a poster out of though. I'm just learning and trying to document the day to day. I'm going to check your photo blog out! Have a great week!

  6. My book list is so long! And my book pile is getting higher and higher...


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