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Monday, March 15, 2010

What's In the Bible Blog Tour and Giveaway

Note: Please turn off my music playlist at the bottom of this page before starting the video.

Phil Vischer, the creator of VeggieTales, introduces a new DVD series called, What's In the Bible?  My kids and I had a great time watching the first two episodes in the series.  The first episode, In the Beginning,  talks about what the world's most amazing Book is, who wrote the Bible, and Genesis.  The second episode, Let My People Go, covers who chose which books to be included in the Bible, what salvation is, and Exodus.  Each DVD is filled with funny & interesting puppet characters, animation, catchy songs, Phil Vischer's talk, lessons from each book of the Bible, church history timeline, explanation/definition of "big" words, flannelgraph fun from the Sunday School lady, and more.  Comparing this to VeggieTales, some may find it not as entertaining or engaging; however, I think it's a wonderful series that helps teach kids to appreciate and understand God's Word and get them excited to read/explore the Bible themselves.  What I don't like are: the bickering between the characters and the boy character in the van who seems rude to his mom and quite demanding. Each DVD is approximately an hour long.

Giveaway: I have 2 certificates from Tyndale House Publishers to give away.  One winner will be randomly selected to receive both certificates which can be redeemed for a copy of What's In the Bible? DVD 1 and DVD 2.

To Enter: Please leave a comment here sharing what some of your favorite materials (besides the Bible) you've used to teach your kids about God and His Word are, or how you get your kids excited about reading/studying the Bible.  Make sure you leave your email address or blog address.

For extra entries: 1. Read any of my posts (besides this one) and come back to comment about it here.
                                     2. Follow me on Twitter (treasuredbyGod) and tweet about this giveaway and leave a comment here letting me know.

Deadline: March 31st at midnight (Pacific time)
      Official Stop On The What's In The Bible Blog Tour
~The DVD and certificates are provided by Tyndale.


  1. I like the scripture song CDs from Seeds of Faith. They are a great way to plant the word of God in my (and my son's) heart.

  2. I read your FFF post and comment on it there. I'm going to subscribe to your blog.

  3. We love Steve Green's "Hide 'em In Your Heart DVDs. They include scripture put to song and are easy to learn. The video with each song helps the kids (and parents) better understand the meaning of the scripture. Sadly we wore out our DVD.

  4. Currently we use a huge cd of bible songs for "down time", a couple different child bibles, internet printables and a more formal curriculum that really isn't working well.

    That's why we would ADORE being a winner of the "What's in the bible" video! My children are both very visual learners and have grown so much with Veggie tales already. Have a true bible trip on video would be a huge blessing.

    I loved your "only thing that matters" post and left a comment there.

  5. I love to use audio BIble CD's and listen to them with my own kids. Then we comment and talk about them in their context. is the no. 1 resource for teaching the Bible.

  6. We put Bible verses on papers with a cute little chart and give stickers for the chart each time our daughter says her verse. She loves memorizing verses.
    We also use Veggie Tales books as a basis for themes to learn.

    This is a great giveaway, and I am so excited about this new series!!!!


  7. I commented on your post Nothing But The Blood
    Great post!


  8. We love "Leading Little Ones to God." It's an older book -- my parents used it with us, and we use it with our kids now. Haven't found anything else quite like it!

    Thanks for the chance to win these great dvd's!

    zenzart at hotmail dot com

  9. I read and commented on your "Redeemer" post...

    Thanks again!

    zenzart at hotmail dot com

  10. We love Keys for Kids as well as Veggie Tale movies and Friends and Heroes

  11. I really like your "Fave Five" post. I think I might do something similar on my blog. What a great way to remember to be thankful!

  12. We love the dvd collection of "Bible Heroes" where it is an hour long cartoon of each bible character. We also love Veggie Tales. We have books from And of course, nothing beats the awe expressed by their parents in reverence of God!

  13. I just tweeted about this giveaway. And it should go to my Facebook profile and stream too.

  14. I just realized I hadn't left my first comment yet! I found this giveaway the other day but didn't leave a comment. I thought I did. I lost track of which blog was offering this giveaway. So glad I saw you on Facebook today!
    Anyway, we use the Narrated Chronological Bible. And that is really working great for us. It keeps us in the Bible. I like the order it's in. For instance, the Psalms David composed during times of distress are included in the telling of that particular incident. I like the summaries and transitional explanations too. It's easy to find where we left off because we just go to today's date.
    The kids have also watched a lot of Superbook, Veggie Tales and a little bit of Bible Man. I also use Heart of Wisdom and Diana Waring for history and they are Bible-centered. About to start Mystery of History, also Bible-centered.

  15. Oh, I forgot. For my 6-year-old twins I'm reading the same passage I read to the older kids from The Child's Story Bible by Catherine F. Vos. They draw a picture of whatever I'm reading to them. I really like this story Bible.

  16. I don't mean to be a comment hog, but the Jesus Storybook Bible is also a really good story Bible for younger children. When I read a story to my 6 year old daughter, she often says, "I saw that in my Bible!" She's referring to the Jesus Storybook Bible. She really likes it and has looked through it a lot. You don't have to count this comment since I've left so many. :)

  17. I love felt books for teaching the kids about the bible


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