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Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday's Fave Five #10

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My fave five this week include:
1. Nice visit with a friend/sweet sister in Christ.  She and I went to a coffee shop.  We had a great time and before she left, we prayed for each other.

2. Taking a walk and taking pictures during my walks.  It's fun to exercise and enjoy God's creation at the same time.

3. Faithful Feet.  I am one of the nine contributors to this new international blog where we share and learn together what it means to be true followers of Christ and to walk faithfully in His steps.  My first article there is, "Don't Waste Your Life!"

4. Ultimate Blog Party 2010.  I'd like to invite y'all to visit my blog party post which includes a slideshow and a giveaway.  I've had fun blog-hopping and "meeting" new bloggers :).

5. Singing joyfully to the Lord.  I love singing hymns and praise/worship songs while my husband plays the piano.  What song(s) do you like to sing to the Lord?


  1. I can really relate to your walking with a camera. I would not last long out there without my camera along :0)
    I love to sing praises to the Lord. Whatever song comes to my mind. Sometimes when I'm walking with my camera I'll start singing ...
    Have a great weekend...

  2. LOVE walking with a camera! Definitely helps you to notice things you might not normally have noticed.

    Coffee with a friend can be a most beautiful and delightful thing. Sounds like your visit was wonderful.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. I'm hoping to go on a "photo walk" with my camera this weekend. Spring will slip away without me getting any pictures if I'm not careful!

    I like the name "Faithful Feet" at the blog where you posted the wonderful Leonard Ravenhill quotes. It's something to think about!

  4. I almost always take my camera with me - I notice that the few times I leave it behind I see something wonderful that I would I could photograph :)

    Friends who pray - the best kind!

    I love to sing - I'm on the worship team at our church - and I love to sing all kinds of worship songs - new and old.

    Happy weekend!

  5. I like your fav's this week. I too like to walk and take pictures. And I love it when a worship song or hymn gets kind of stuck in my head. So pleasant.

  6. I take my camera everywhere! Can't walk without mine. Songs? I sing whatever pops in to my head. Often, I'll have read a scripture and know a tune that goes with it and then I'm singing it all day in my head and outloud. Have a great weekend!

  7. I had one of those wonderful friend visits this week, too. What a blessing they are.

    I don't even know if I can name all the songs I love to sing -- praise songs and hymns. Music is such a blessing.

    Happy weekend!

  8. Oh, I just had a hymn sing with friends this past weekend. How nice that your husband plays the piano -- a great way to sing the evening away :-)


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