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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Murdering Rampage...What Are You Doing about It?

Murdering Rampage: A Teen Refuses to Stand by and Do Nothing
     According to statistics, abortion (the killing of innocent, defenseless babies) mercilessly takes away the lives of 1.5 million babies each year; 4,000 babies every day; 1 baby every 20 seconds; approximately 40 million babies since 1973; and that's just here in America.  While this murdering rampage is going on, many people are rallying for it to continue because they want to exercise their right to choose what is convenient to them and to get rid of an unwanted "obstacle" in their lives.  Some people do not agree but yet do nothing to help stop this rampage.
     However, other people refuse to just stand by and do nothing.  Alyssa, a 16 year old homeschooler in Oregon, is one such example.  She has a strong conviction and passion for saving the innocent and defending the defenseless.  Since she was 5 years old, she has been participating in Steps for Life, a two-mile walkathon which is an annual fund-raising event for Pregnancy Resource Centers (PRC).  The Pregnancy Resource Centers of Greater Portland is a Christian organization that helps women and teens who face unplanned pregnancy. They help meet their emotional, physical, and spiritual needs, enabling them to CHOOSE LIFE. They have six centers throughout the Portland area, and have served nearly 8,000 women and teens each year since 1984.  They provide free services such as counseling, ultrasounds, adoption info., maternity & baby clothes, parenting classes, spiritual encouragement, etc.
     On May 15th, many pro-life supporters are expected to take part in Steps for Life at Pioneer Courthouse Square in Portland, Oregon.  Alyssa urges us all to support this great cause, either by being a Steps for Life walker, making pledges/sponsoring a walker, or praying.  She has a web page that you can visit if you would like to support PRC and be a part of this attempt to save as many babies' lives as possible. 
"For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be." Psalm 139:13-16

"We cannot fight credibly against other social and moral evils, including poverty and violence, while we tolerate mass killings by abortion." (Mother Teresa) "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute." (Proverbs 31:8) Every year, my daughter, Alyssa, participates in Steps for Life. Please consider helping save the unborn by clicking here.  Any amount helps!  If you would like to help but do not want to use credit card, please email me your pledge and mailing address and PRC wil bill you later after the walkathon.  My email address is .  Thanks for doing all you can for these precious lives and God bless!

Note: I do realize that some women were forced/coerced/manipulated/misled to have an abortion.  I am deeply sorry for their loss and what they've had to go through (sorrow, guilt, shame, regret, nightmare, etc.)  I hope and pray that they all will find hope, healing, forgiveness, peace, and purpose in Christ and that they will have courage to stand up and be a voice for the voiceless before more women end up making the same mistake they made.

~Please visit here for the links to other Spiritual Sundays posts. Have a blessed day in the Lord, everyone!


  1. Praise God for teens and all defending the rights of the innocent!

    May God protect the many lives of the unborn and cause hearts to repent & change! May more be willing and able to Choose Life! Thank You Lord for hearts like Alyssa...encourage her and provide! What a beautiful daughter you've raised with a beautiful heart!

  2. God bless Alyss and all those involved in helping protect the lives of the unborn. What a calling!

  3. Thank you for highlighting this terrible atrocity that is taking place in our world. I'm thankful for people like you and Alyssa. We have a Crisis Pregnancy Center in our area. For several years my husband and I participated in the annual walk.

  4. I won't repeat what my wife, Charlotte just said. But I wanted you to know that I have been here and read your much needed post. Thank you.

  5. this reminds me when Elijah thought he was the only one devoted to God and God showed him there were armies of believers...there are kids...people who love God and won't bow to the enemy. great post.

  6. This post is so powerful! What an amazing program this is, we need this.
    God Bless,

  7. Wonderful post on the sanctity of life. I remember living in WA and doing the walk for life. I was so thrilled that my daughter was on the Pro side of Life in a debate that she did. She had a wonderful report!

    ~Mimi from the Round Up


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