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Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday's Fave Five #13

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My fave five this week include:
1. New microwave.  Our old microwave died from old age after faithfully serving us for many, many years.  We really like our new stainless steel microwave.  We hope this one will last for a long time, too.

2. The Blog Frog.  I finally signed up at the Blog Frog and started the Living for God Community.  If you are a member there, please come join my community :).  I'd love to connect with my readers.

3. Early Mother's Day Gift.  My 16 yo daughter, Alyssa, and my 8 yo son, Isaiah, made me a very cool DVD which they put some photos I've taken of God's creation and some of the family photos together into a slideshow with my husband's background music (one of my husband's hobbies is composing music).  I love it!

4. Bible Bee.  Alyssa enjoys memorizing the Scriptures so she decided to participate in this year's Bible Bee competition.  She will have 3 months to memorize 800 verses.  I plan to do some along with her (just for fun :)).

5. I was so thrilled that Julie Ferwerda, the author of One Million Arrows: Raising Your Children to Change the World, featured Alyssa on her blog.  Please check it out and feel free to leave a comment there to encourage her.


  1. Were you bawling when you watched the video? I know I would've been! I'm going to check out the link you gave when I have time (gotta get to work!).
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. My microwave is thirteen years old already, and although I don't use it all that often, I would not be able to do without it. That CD must have been such a great present. I hope your weekend is as good as the week has been for you!

  3. New appliances are such fun. That DVD sounds so sweet!

  4. What a wonderful gift from your kids! That's awesome.

    I hope you have a great weekend and an awesome Mother's Day!

  5. Oh my word, 800 verses in three months. You go, girls! That is so awesome.

    That is a very sweet Mother's Day gift they made you!

    Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  6. What a great mother's day gift!!!!

  7. What a perfect gift from your kids and your husband!

    Happy Mother's Day!

  8. I went and watched Alyssa's video - it was awesome!

    You're doing a good job with your kids!

    800 verses? Awesome! A very worthy goal.

  9. Yay, a new microwave. I couldn't live without mine! :~F

    This is amazing. "She will have 3 months to memorize 800 verses." God bless you both on your adventure.

    Happy Mother's Day!

  10. I love the dvd your kids made you. That's so precious!

    Sounds like you had a great week. Happy weekend!


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