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Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday's Fave Five #25

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My fave five this week include:
1. My beloved husband and I celebrated our 19th Anniversary on Tuesday.  My hubby is so sweet! He wrote/composed a song just for me. After I woke up, he played the piano and sang the song to me. I cried of course :). Tears of joy and thankfulness. He took a day off work to spend time with me. He cut a fresh rose to give to me. He took me out to have Thai food. He still treats me like we're dating. "Sweet" is an understatement, I think :).  If you would like to see the slideshow my daughter and I made last year to surprise my husband on our anniversary, click here.

2. Bible study with international students.  We thank the Lord for giving us an opportunity to host a Bible study for the international students on Friday evenings.  We hope and pray that they will be drawn to Jesus.

3. Zucchini bread.  My daughter made her first zucchini bread on Wednesday.  It was very yummy.

4. Woodstove.  The weather is getting cool here and we've started using our woodstove.  The warmth from the fire relaxes me :).

5. Outlive Your Life (the book and the campaign).  I enjoyed reading this new book by Max Lucado.  You can read my review here.  "1.75 billion people are desperately poor, 1 billion are hungry, millions are trafficked in slavery...Each year nearly 2 million children are exploited in the global commercial sex trade." (from page 5) Mr. Lucado has made it his goal to help World Vision find sponsors for 25,000 children to help commemorate his 25 years of inspirational writing. Please consider sponsoring a child and help reach this goal by clicking this link. If you decide to sponsor a child through World Vision, please leave a comment here and let me know. If you are already sponsoring a child or children, please help spread the word about this campaign. Thanks!


  1. Happy anniversary!

    I haven't had zucchini bread for ages -- sounds so good!

    It hasn't been cool enough for a fire here yet, but I am looking forward to one later on.

  2. Happy Anniversary to you both!

    I really like Max Lucado books but haven't checked that one out yet.

    Yum, zucchini bread. Haven't had that in years.

  3. Congrats on 19 years! How preciously you both treat each other.

    I forgot all about zucchini bread. I think I'll make some today. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. Happy Anniversary!

    Have you read The Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns the President of World Vision USA? It's a great and inspiratational book and it will make you want to sponsor all 25,000 children yourself!

  5. How sweet that your husband is so attentive to you. That really is cool! Happy Anniversary to you two!
    I'm with Barbara and Suzanne it's been a long time since I've had zucchini bread! Have a nice weekend.

  6. Love your anniversary story -- what a sweet, sweet hubby. He's a keeper!

    Oh, to use a woodstove. Just too hot here.

    Have a great week ahead.

  7. He sings, cuts flowers and also remembers your anniversary, happy anniversary 19th, your blessed.

    I too made a fire in our wood stove this past week, I so love the smell of wood burning in the fresh morning air.

  8. Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful guy you have! Loved your list and the wood stove sounds dreamy. :)


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