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Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday's Fave Five #26

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My fave five this week include:
1. Garage Sale.  I usually like shopping at garage sales.  However, I also enjoyed hosting a garage sale last Saturday.  I had fun getting rid of stuff, meeting people, and getting cash for things we didn't need/use. The older I get, the less attached to things I am. We want to live simply with minimal possessions.  We want to be ready.  Lord, here we are...send us!  We're preparing for the "rain" (if you've watched Facing the Giants, you know what I mean :)).

2. Congratulations to my daughter, Alyssa! Her short story, Tunnel Terror, has placed 5th out of 126 entries worldwide. It will be posted at the Surrey International Writers Conference October 22-24, 2010 in Canada.

3. Fresh cinnamon rolls.  On Wednesday, Alyssa made cinnamon rolls for the first time.  They were so delicious.

4. Boardgame marathon day (on Sunday)...Yahtzee, Buzzwords, Monopoly...Fun fun fun!

5. The Butterfly Circus (20 minute film starring Nick Vujicic). To watch this inspiring movie, click here. Nick Vujicic is a true inspiration. You can visit his website at .


  1. What a great week!

    Congratulations to Alyssa on the recognition of her short story! The cinnamon rolls sound yummy, too. :)

  2. Congrats to Alyssa. #5 out of 126 is amazing!

    Yum, cinnamon buns are a real treat around here. If they are here though, I want to eat them all! :vD

  3. Cinnamon rolls and 5th/126 worldwide entries.. sounds like your daughter had an awesome week!

    I'll be visiting many garage sales (which I call "rummages") this weekend! Our town and a neighboring town are both hosting large car shows this weekend, and with 1000s of people coming, there are city-wide garage sales!


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