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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Review: The Butterfly Effect: How Your Life Matters by Andy Andrews

Product Details

Format: Hardcover
Trim Size: 6.40 x 6.60 x 0.50
Page Count: 112
Retail Price: $14.95
ISBN-13: 9781404187801
Author: Andy Andrews

My Thoughts and Review:
The Butterfly Effect is a motivational gift book. It is short but powerful. It gives readers a needed perspective on life and encourages them to live their lives with purpose. Your life matters because everything you do matters for all time. It talks about the butterfly effect: how one butterfly’s wing-flapping can move molecules of air in a chain reaction that results in a hurricane. The book gives an example of one man who made one move that still affects the world today. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain was his name. What if he didn’t make that one move? Historical events and people involved would have not turned out the same. The ramifications are innumerable. Another example was Norman Borlaug who developed the special seeds that grew into supper plants that fed hungry people. His work has saved more than two billion lives from starvation. But soon you realize that several people were responsible for influencing Norman and his work. We can keep tracing back farther and farther into the past and see that each person’s action has far-reaching effects into the future whether he or she knows it or not. You were created by God to make a difference in the world. No one else is like you. Your actions whether good or bad will impact lives after lives in a chain of events. What you do with your life matters forever; therefore, choose wisely how you live. The Butterfly Effect is a beautiful book with an inspiring lesson.

~I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers through I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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