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Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday's Fave Five #30

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:-

1. I love having my husband with us for the four-day weekend starting yesterday.

2. I'd like to let you, my readers, know about an exclusive opportunity to attend one of the COOL IT free, pre-screening events in the participating cities (click here and then click RSVP to comfirm your seats).  This documentary suggests an approach to tackling the sustainability of creation in light of awareness towards other global concerns such as world hunger, education and access to safe shelter and clean water.  In "COOL IT," environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg goes beyond global climate change to remind us of man's obligation to his fellow man.  He urges rethinking a "just throw money at it" approach in favor of one that will enable the critical investment of more resources to help benefit suffering people along with the planet we inhabit.

3. For You They Signed by Marilyn Boyer.  You can read my review here.  Please vote for my review by leaving a comment on the review post or vote at (by clicking the circle next to Urailak Liljequist--Fruitbearers).  Thanks so much!

4. Since Thanksgiving is the 25th of this month, Childlike Faith Publishing (my 17 yo daughter's web store) will give away a digitial bookmark ($8.95 value + free shipping) to the 25th customer! This applies to those who buy Thanksgiving Stories for Children ($1.29) and/or those who buy Discovering Grace ($3.79). Offer expires at midnight on Nov. 25, 2010.

5. I'd like to share this video that my 17 year old daughter made explaining why she believes God exists (within 1 minute). It is an entry for the Always Ready contest by Creation Science Evangelism. I would really appreciate it if you'd vote for her here :)! You don't need to be on Facebook. Just click "Vote Now". You can vote once per day through Nov. 28th. Thanks a bunch!

Note: Please turn off my music playlist at the bottom of this page before starting the video.


  1. I have my husband around 24 h a day the whole year long, lol !
    Wait until he is retired !

  2. It will be so nice to have your hubby around for four days!

    Thanks for the links. I enjoyed watching Cool It.

  3. Have a wonderful weekend with your family!


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