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Monday, November 22, 2010

Review and Giveaway: The Mend Mark (The Mark of Love) Bracelet

The Mark of Love
The Mend Mark tells a powerful story in two words: "Remember" and "Love".

Have you been “Marked?” The Mend Mark is a mission, a movement, an entire revolution. It is a bracelet meant to remind its wearers of Christ’s love and sacrifice, and its message is the passion of its creator, Hunter Harrison.

The Mend Mark is an innovative and distinctive bracelet that is designed to reflect the scars and nail holes of Jesus. When worn, the band resembles the deep holes of the nail driven into the wrists of Jesus during his crucifixion. By bringing the story of Jesus’ life and death to constant awareness by wearing a bracelet, Mend Mark is meant to powerfully remind wearers of the ultimate act of love Jesus made for all of humankind.

Harrison’s mission is to remind all to remember Christ’s love in both his life and death. But more than only a poignant recollection, the Mend Mark is meant to inspire and motivate wearers to live a life of service. Harrison strives to bring people together around the simplicity and power of love as lived by Jesus. But this is no example of passive love. The Mend Mark calls individuals in all walks of life to love with a profound sincerity and commitment great enough to change a neighborhood, a community, a world.

Harrison leads this call to love and sacrifice by example and joins hands with each Mend Mark bracelet purchaser to take the first step in global change. A portion of each bracelet sold goes to support Living Water International, an organization combating the clean water crisis victimizing over one billion people worldwide. Each $5,000 given will result in one well drilled, providing a community with clean water.

But wearers should be prepared to be seen. Unique in its design, the Mend Mark is sure to be noticed and gives wearers an opportunity to share the story of the profound love of Jesus for each and every person. “It was important to me that the design was simple and generic enough that the observer had to ask about it to know what it meant. But I also wanted it to appear distinctive enough that it sparked curiosity,” reveals creator Hunter Harrison. “I wanted it to require the wearer of the product to engage in conversation about the love of Christ (and hopefully show that love to others) instead of just letting the product talk for them.”

Launched in late 2009 after a year and a half of packaging, material, and design development by Harrison, the bracelet has been sold across the United States, Canada, and the UK and has been featured in retail stores as well. The Mend Mark bracelet movement has grown to further fame after being worn during performances by American Idol winner Lee Dewyze, Idol runner up Siobhan Magnus, Decifer Down, Israel Houghton & New Breed, Pillar, and Finding Favour, to name a few. Says Harrison, “I want it to be more than just another bracelet; I want it to represent a movement.” Based on the way things are going, a movement is exactly what it is becoming.

Order online for $9.99 at

~The press release above and the interview below were provided by Audra Jennings (Senior Media Specialist, The B&B Media Group)

Unique, cool, and meaningful!  I've been wearing this bracelet for over a month now.  I love it because it is a beautiful reminder of my loving Savior who died for me and who loves me no matter what.  I'm still waiting for someone to ask me about the bracelet so that I can share about Christ's love and sacrifice.  Unfortunately, it has been cold here and I have been wearing shirts and/or jackets with long sleeves which cover the bracelet most of the time.

The bracelet/wristband is elastic and does not irritate my skin at all.  It comes in a classy box (a little tricky to need to pull the orange tab on top and both top and bottom sections will pop out). One circle (resembling nail hole) reads, "Remember" and the other circle reads, "Love."  I will forever remember my Lord and Savior's amazing love and share His love with all.  Let us never forget!  There is no greater love: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us (sinners)!  His love mends (repairs, sets right, restores, makes amends).  This Mend Mark bracelet is a great witnessing tool and a reminder for us to live a life of love and live for Christ.

Q&A With Hunter Harrison, Creator of the Mend Mark

Q: How did you arrive at the idea for the Mend Mark? Why a bracelet?
A: I always thought about getting a tattoo. I still haven’t, but tattoo designs frequently cross my mind, and if I ever got one I would want it to be meaningful. On one particular day, I had the idea of getting two circles tattooed on my wrist to resemble a hole. But not just any hole—the hole that killed a king. The more and more I thought about it, the more I came to realize that nowadays EVERYONE has a tattoo and it would almost be rebellious NOT to get one. (I guess you could consider me a reverse rebel.) So I decided to do something a little different, something that would reach many more people than just some ink on my wrist. I took the idea and designed a bracelet instead, and consequently, the Mend Mark idea was born.

Q: At first glance Mend Mark seems like a nebulous name. What does it mean?
A: I’ve always liked the word “mend” and I feel like it’s underused. So it was an easy decision to incorporate that into the name. It fit the product purpose, and since it was representing one of the marks of Jesus, Mend Mark was an obvious choice. Plus it had a nice ring to it and with tattoo roots it seemed natural to call it that. I wanted it to be more than just another bracelet or wristband. I wanted it to represent a movement. So the “Mend Mark” it became.

Q: What are you hoping will be accomplished through the wearing of the Mend Mark bracelet and through the Mend Mark movement?
A: There are three main things I want to be accomplished. First is that I wanted people to remember the sacrifice. I wanted to unite people—Christians (no matter the denomination) and even people of other worldviews—on one common message: LOVE. The love that Christ preached in particular. With so many books out there and theological debates on who’s right and who’s wrong, sometimes we forget the simplicity of Christ’s main message: LOVE. I figured that no matter what one believes, they can’t deny that selfless love can change the world… and sometimes we need a reminder of that. So I coined the phrase “Remember Love” to be printed on the bracelet. The second thing is that I wanted people to emulate the emotion. I wanted it to require the wearer of the product to engage in conversation about the love of Christ (and hopefully show that love to others) instead of just letting the product talk for them. I felt that if this was done properly it could force people into intentional situations where they were able to demonstrate their faith. If I was a non-believer and I saw someone wearing an obvious Christian product, I doubt I would ask that person about it because I would already know what they were going to say. But, if I saw this, I would want to know what it was. It sparks curiosity… and in turn that curiosity may open some doors for people to share the love of Christ with others. Finally, I wanted it to inspire people to change the world around them. I decided to find a cause to support through the sales of the bracelet. There was no reason for me to keep all the profits for myself. I wanted to be able to give back and share the proceeds somehow. I researched and prayed and petitioned God on what ministry to support and God led me to Living Water International. I knew I wanted to help fight malnourishment in one way or another and providing “Living Water” seemed to fit the purpose of the product—using “love” to mend. That’s what it’s all about and this product allows that to happen on a global scale.

Q: Where did the inspiration to create the Mend Mark come from?
A: My mother was the most influential person in my life. She raised me on her own, even homeschooled me in high school, and I think that extra time with her really impacted me. She passed away from cancer in 2007, but she always told me I would do great things. My wife, Morgan, has been extremely instrumental in encouraging me to take those words from my mom to heart and make them a reality. Morgan motivates me like no one else can and has been a tremendous source of love and support throughout the entire process.

Then my work in banking inspired me. All day long I am helping people achieve their dreams getting businesses and ideas started. I wanted to get out there and start doing something myself. But I wanted it to be meaningful. Since my son was born two years ago, he’s given me an added motivation to do something bigger than myself, something that will somehow leave a legacy behind.

Q: The Mend Mark is certainly growing as a movement. It’s even been worn by celebrities. What’s next for the Mend Mark?
A: The Mend Mark isn’t the first idea I’ve tried to get off the ground. It definitely won’t be the last either. By far, it’s been the most fun and the most successful, and the one I’ve been most passionate about. I’m currently working on additional product designs as well as T-shirts that will go along with the original Mend Mark purpose. The future is bright and I can’t wait to see where God takes it.

GIVEAWAY: I was given a second bracelet to give away to one of my readers. It makes a great Christmas gift :).
To enter (required) : Visit Mend Mark website and leave a comment telling me why you would like to win this or whom you would give it to.
This giveaway is open to US Residents 18 yrs or older. Please leave your email address in the required entry. The giveaway ends 11/30 midnight PDT. Winner has 48 hours to respond.

For extra entries (leave a comment for each extra entry):
- Follow this blog via Google Friend Connect (see my sidebar) (1 entry)
- Follow this blog via NetworkedBlogs (see my sidebar) (1 entry)
- Follow me ("treasuredbyGod") on Twitter (1 entry)
- Follow Mend Mark on Twitter (1 entry)
- Tweet about this giveaway (1 entry daily)
- "Like" Mend Mark on Facebook (1 entry)
- "Like" Living for God on Facebook (1 entry)
- Share one or more of your family's Thanksgiving traditions or Christmas traditions (1 entry)

~ I was given one bracelet for an exchange of my honest review and another bracelet for a giveaway by the B&B Media Group.


  1. Thanks for sharing!!! I like it!!

  2. Wow this is a great item with a wonderful message! I'm a follower and I'd love to entered for this giveaway (:

  3. Also, my family and I always read the Christmas Story every year before we start in on stockings and gifts. It's a great way to begin the festivities!

  4. Opps! Forget to include my email
    haveyourcakeblog {@} gmail {.} com


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