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Friday, December 31, 2010

Have a Christ-Centered Year!

I Know Christ (by Margaret E. Clarkson)

I do not know tomorrow’s way,
If dark or gladsome it may be;
But I know Christ, and come what may,
I know that He abides with me.

I do not know what may befall
Of grief or gladness, peace or pain;
But I know Christ, and through it all
I know His presence will sustain.

We do not know what 2011 will bring. But we know Christ and that's enough. While the politics is polluted, the economy is erratic, the culture is corrupted, Christ is our Redeemer, Rock, and Refuge. I'm excited about a new year of living for God, living in the light of eternity, serving Him, and sharing His love. To God alone be all the glory!!!

Have a Christ-centered year, everyone!


  1. I'm excited too....b/c He's already there...He's got great things planned. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  2. A lovely poem and wish for our country. Have a blessed New Year.

  3. I so agree with you. I know who holds the future, and the future is so bright for all who love and follow Him.
    Thank you for sharing and have a blessed New Year.


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