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Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday's Fave Five #38

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:-
1. Passport to the World journey at Christian Home School Hub. Fun way to learn about different languages and countries!

2. Lord answered my prayer in a way that blew my mind away!!! And all I prayed was...May "it" be according to His will. I want nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. He chose to bless me/us beyond what we could ever have imagined.

3. We watched one of our home videos. Alyssa was 6 then (now 17) and Josiah was only 1. They were super cute :)! Josiah's laughter was so contagious. O precious memories!

4. My new profile picture for Facebook this month :).---->

5. Please take a few minutes to view my 17 yo daughter's video below. The most viewed video wins an iPad. Thanks, everyone!               

Note: Please turn off my music playlist at the bottom of this page before starting the video.


  1. Praise God for answered prayer.

    I love pulling out the old home movies and just remembering how the kids were when they were little, too.

  2. Your daughter's video had good points. I especially like the idea about internships.

    I only have home movies from a 5 year stretch. Every time I watch them I feel blessed with my life and my children.


  3. Forgot to add that I like your "profile picture" for fb. How did you do that?

  4. Answered prayers are a blessing everyday! I'm so glad you were blessed.

  5. Answered prayer -- how great!

    I love watching old home movies of the kids.

    Have a great week ahead.

  6. I remember watching old home movies on a large reel to reel.
    Thankful the Lord answered your prayer.

  7. Good video by your daughter! It's great to see young people addressing these subjects. :o)

    I would point out, though, that I don't 'use' my degree, but would never trade in my college experience because of the wisdom God gave me through it. It is definitely not the path for everyone, but it may be the Lord's path for others who don't necessarily "need it". It's important to remember that it's not all about money.. while we have to be wise stewards, paying for an experience that brings you wisdom and a closer relationship with Christ is worth it, even if you don't need it to succeed in earthly ways. That being said, your daughter's video made some great points! :o)

    Also, love the tears of the saints video!!! Praise God that He nurtures up missionaries to spread the Gospel!

  8. Hi,
    Just wanted to thank you for linking up your book reviews on my blog (In the Bookcase) on the "Sharing Our Bookshelves" link-up. I really appreciate it!
    I enjoyed reading your reviews, and also rated them for you.

    Have a blessed day!
    ~ Tarissa


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