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Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Life Ready Woman Blog Tour and Giveaway

About Life Ready Woman
Thriving in a Do It All World
Are you a 'Doing it all' or 'Do what matters' woman?

Whether a stay at home or working mom, an airplane-hopping executive, an empty-nester caring for multiple generations or a single juggling high demands of career and personal life, today's fast-paced modern world leaves women gasping for balance. We as modern Christian women want to look to the Bible for guidance on how to manage our lives -- but because the world of women looks so different today than it did when the Bible was written, it is hard to find chapter and verse that seems to apply to our situation today.

Thankfully, God has given us exactly that timeless, unchanging guidance for how to find peace, clarity, and God's best for our lives once we know where to look! The Life Ready Woman: Thriving in a Do-It-All World, reveals a profound biblical roadmap for how each of us can find the abundant life we are longing for, rather than the stressful, torn, how-do-I-balance-it-all life we often feel like we are trying to keep up with today. Actually being a LifeReady Woman means that you are clear about your life, bold in your faith, and able to find God's best for you, and the end result will be that you not only survive but thrive in our do-it-all world.

God has given every wonderfully unique woman different skills and abilities, different desires, and different temperaments -- and every woman around the planet and through the ages is certainly living in different circumstances. But no matter what a woman's life looks like, the Bible says that God has an individual mission and plan that He's carefully designed for each of us. And He wants us to find it. Starting January 2011, The Life Ready Woman and the Life Ready Woman Video Series will help every wonderfully unique woman to thrive as she identifies and courageously pursues God's unique design and callings for her. LifeReady Woman puts you on a roadmap to make decisions that will lead to relief, delight, and fulfillment instead of regret.

Find out more about the LifeReady Woman book and study at .

About the Author

Shaunti Feldhahn is a former Wall Street analyst and the best-selling author of For Women Only and now The Life Ready Woman with Robert Lewis. These resources investigate and illuminate those easy-to-miss truths that have the greatest power to transform lives.

Shaunti is also the mom of two active young kids, and wife to attorney and entrepreneur Jeff. In the middle of juggling work deadlines, soccer runs, church activities, business opportunities, field trips, and time with her husband, she has seen personally how vital it is to have a biblical blueprint for life balance.

For more information about Shaunti, please visit her website at .

My Thoughts and Review:
I love being a woman. Yes, often I do wish there were more hours in the day :). Being a woman trying to juggle a plethora of things is challenging and exhausting. The Life Ready Woman aims to help women be ready for a fulfilled life from a Biblical perspective. Initially, I had a hard time getting into the book because it didn't hold my attention. However, it got better/meatier starting in Chapter 3. The book is divided into two parts: Part 1: God's Plan and Purposes for All of Us and Part 2: Getting to God's Best for You. The authors (Shaunti Feldhahn & Robert Lewis) address the five most common issues facing us women nowadays, define Biblical womanhood, and point out the three types of callings that direct our path (core callings, feminine callings, and personal callings). If you want God's best for your life, you need to live from the inside out (beginning at God's core callings). The authors offer five faith steps and various wise steps (for different seasons of life) for women to follow in order to be "ready". This book is an insightful and practical life-coaching guide based on the compass of God's Word for women of all ages and all stages.

Download the Session workbook and watch Session One at

GIVEAWAY: You can win a copy of this book. The giveaway is open only to U.S. residents. Deadline: Feb. 28th at midnight (Pacific time)
To Enter: Please leave a comment here sharing what you think is the most challenging thing about being a Godly woman, wife, or mother.

For Extra Entries: 1. View my daughter's video here (only 3 min. 15 sec. long) and come back to leave a comment letting me know.

2. Rate my book reviews here (click on each title to read and rate each review). Come back to leave a comment letting me know the title(s) of the book(s) you've rated. Each book review rating counts as one extra entry.

3. Follow my blog via Google Friend Connect or NetworkedBlogs.

~I received this book for review and a giveaway copy from Litfuse Group.


  1. The most challenging thing for me as being a Godly woman, a mother, and a military wife is when my husband is deployed and raising 2 small children (3 yrs old, 16 months) can be challenging trying to balance it all at one time, and enjoy the kids as they are at a yound age. But, God is so able to help me do it all while my husband is serving the country.

  2. The most challenging thing for me as a Army wife and Godly women is trying to stay positive, and that what my husband is doing over seas is the right path that God has made for my husband, and trusting in him that he knows what is best for us.

  3. The most challenging thing for me as being a Godly woman, a mother, a wife is my sinful nature. Like laziness, doubt, frustration......even though I know through Him everything is possible. However, the more I know I am unable, the more He can do His wonderful work through me when I learn to walk with Him.

  4. My biggest challenge is having patience with my daughter. I also struggle with knowing just what God wants for me at this time in my life.

  5. The most challenging thing for me is not letting it all overwhelm me. I am like a teapot and I build steam as things pile on each second and then one day I blow. I hate this. I either need better time management or stress management tools.
    Melissa Waters

  6. The most challenging thing for me is finding a balance. doing everything I have to do for everyone else and still having time and energy for myself.

  7. Several things have been challenging to me as a wife and mother through the years. I used to have a problem with expecting my husband to meet needs that only God could meet for me. Sometimes I still do that.
    Then I would push my husband to the back burner and put my children before him at other times in our marriage. The balance is hard to find.
    Children get in your face and demand your attention but husbands don't do that very often. Keeping our marriage fresh and loving is the thing I'm working the hardest on right now.

  8. Right now the most challenging for me is taking the time for devotions in all the craziness of kids and working, and meal prep and lessons etc...

  9. I watched your daughter's video on You Tube

  10. The most challenging thing for me is getting everything organized and done.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  11. I agree with everything in the video. Your daughter is a wise young woman.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com


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