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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Book Review: Day by Day with the Best of Spurgeon

Day by Day with the Best of Spurgeon
On the love and loveliness of Jesus
Compiled by: Dolores E. Coupland
ISBN: 978-1-935265-13-9
Publisher: Deep River Books
Publishing Date: 2010
Retail price: $15.99

Dolores E. Coupland's heart was greatly impacted by Charles H. Spurgeon (1834-1892)'s devotional book, Morning and Evening. That led her to research his sermons, collect his choice writings, and put them all together into this lovely, inspirational devotional.  Thanks, Dolores!

Are you passionately in love with Jesus? If not, you need to read this book. If so, you will appreciate this book. This book's central theme is Jesus, His love, His loveliness, and His sacrifice for us at the cross. May you take the time to ponder Who Jesus Christ is to you and what His work on the cross means to you. Charles Spurgeon (aka "the Prince of Preachers") beautifully leads us with his words to places where Jesus lived, suffered, and died. All for us sinners...imagine that! Often, his description is so vivid and poetic.  Spurgeon's teachings are Biblically sound, thought-provoking, and at times soul-piercing. It is obvious when you read Spurgeon's writings that his passion is to extol Christ above all else and to preach the doctrine of Christ crucified.

I highly recommend this devotional. I collect devotional books. Day by Day with the Best of Spurgeon is a wonderful addition to my collection (30th devotional). Yes, I also own Morning and Evening by Spurgeon :). By the way, I think it's so cool that God mightily used Spurgeon for His glory even though Spurgeon never had theological schooling and he struggled with depression most of his life. If you ever wonder how God could possibly use you, please remember to never underestimate His power, grace, mercy, and love! Trust in Him day by day.

~I was provided a copy of this book by Bring It On! Communications in exchange for my honest review. To read more reviews like this one, go to: Tell Us The Truth Reviews.

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