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Monday, March 28, 2011

Review: Life of John Knox

Life of John Knox
American Missionary Fellowship
5 x7 • 144 pages • Case Bound
ISBN: 9780890516027
Retail Price: $14.99

Book Summary:
Rare vignettes featuring the Protestant Reformation’s fiercest defender! John Knox had a life of exciting adventure, harsh imprisonment, and brilliant scholarship. Fighting battles both political and religious, Knox bravely defied royalty, nobility, and the established power of the Papacy to speak the truth. A fiery and inspirational preacher, he fiercely upheld the authority of Scripture and salvation through Christ’s sacrifice. In perilous times, Knox risked his life daily in a fearless and tireless defense of the faith!

This biography was originally published in 1833 by the ASSU (American Sunday-School Union), now called American Missionary Fellowship.

I really enjoyed reading this book. Almost like watching a movie. much drama! Do you know if John Knox's life has ever been made into a movie? If not yet, it should :). Political turmoils. Distorted Christianity. Persecution. Scary and wicked royalty. Through it all, John Knox (1505-1572), the reformer of Scotland, never wavered in his stand for God and His truth! John Knox's devotion to the service of God and his firm faith & boldness, in spite of opposition, are truly commendable. He never beat around the bush or sugarcoated sins, even when he talked to royalty and nobles. I wish more Christians nowadays would be like him, instead of being politically correct or sacrificing Biblical truth on the altar of "grace". John Knox was never afraid of being labeled "judgmental" or "unloving" or "unChristlike" or "unGodly" when he spoke against papacy/popery, idolatry, Queen Mary's unwise marriage, corruption, murders, anything unBiblical. He continued to speak the truth in love until his death even though many hated him for it. Accused of rebellion and treason, imprisoned, despised, and wanted dead, nothing deterred John Knox from defending God's Holy Word and the sufficiency of Christ. He was a champion of the faith, a Christlike mentor, a beloved minister who left a powerful legacy that inspires many believers around the world, including me. He consistently lived for God with integrity, humility, and courage, always aiming to please & honor God alone. He did not care what men thought of him; He only cared what God thought of him and them. God blessed him with divine protection and with a long life and used him in a mighty way for His glory. If I could have a dinner and chat with someone from the past, John Knox would definitely be one of my choices :).

Some of his last words before he peacefully left this earth to be with our Savior: "I have been often tempted by Satan to despair, but he could not prevail. Now he has tempted me to trust in myself, and to rejoice and glory in my labours, as if I should merit heaven by the faithful discharge of my duties. But I have expelled him with these passages of Scripture, 'What hast thou that thou hast not received?' "Not I, but the grace of God in me.' 'By the grace of God, I am what I am.' Therefore, I give thanks to God who has given me the victory; and now I am sure that, without pain of body, or distress of mind I shall soon close this mortal and miserable life, for that happy and immortal life which shall never have an end." (chapter XI, page 126)

Note: Please turn off my music playlist at the bottom of this page before starting the trailer.

~I received this book free for review from New Leaf Publishing Group.

1 comment:

  1. Great review I loved reading it. Sounds like a good book, I would like to read.


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