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Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday's Fave Five #44

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:-
1. My new prescription sunglasses. My old pair's frame was broken. It's nice to be able to see (I'm near-sighted), enjoy the outdoors (my eyes are very sensitive to sunlight), and look cool (bonus!) at the same time :).

2. My daughter, Alyssa's story, "Mixed Up" was published in Keys for Kids magazine (May/June Issue) which is devotional for kids published by CBH (Chidlren's Bible Hour) Ministries. Hers is on May 17.

3. My brand new vacuum cleaner. Our old one quit working/sucking.  This new one is lighter and it works very well.

4. Free Video Download from Answers in Genesis: The Ultimate Proof of Creation!

5. I entered a photo contest on Facebook ("What Makes You Happy?"). I need your votes. If you're on Facebook, please click here to go vote for my photo. Today is the last day for voting. Thanks so much!


  1. congratulations to your daughter! I am buying my daughter a new pair of glasses today because she is near sighted. I think that is the same thing as short sighted...just a different word for the same thing.

  2. I cannot live without my prescription sunglasses. They're getting pretty old. I should probably go buy another pair for when they break.

  3. Prescription sunglasses are the best invention since bifocals! I heart mine.

  4. i can relate to the loving prescription sunglasses...i finally got a good pair last summer...LOVE em....enjoy the weekend...

  5. Hurray for triple-duty sunglasses :-) Congrats to your daughter for getting published. How cool is that?

  6. Your daughter does such wonderful things. I love reading about them! I hope your enjoy the new glasses, and the new vacuum.


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