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Sunday, April 3, 2011

The "M" Word

The modesty issue is a touchy topic. However, immodesty is still a widespread problem, probably more so than ever. Yes, it is even a problem among Christians and in churches.

I'm so glad Mr. Mahaney was bold enough to give this sermon. I think more pastors should be preaching this message to their congregation. It is very distracting and difficult for men and boys to focus on worshiping the Lord at church when they keep seeing tightly-clad or seductively dressed girls/women on stage (part of worship team) or in front of them or next to them. Unfortunately, some pastors are too afraid to confront their congregation with this issue because they don't want to offend the female members and lose them.

Sisters in Christ, if you really love and care about your brothers in Christ, you would try your best to dress modestly and not cause them to stumble. It is a real battle for them. You need to ask yourself whether what you put on brings honor to God or brings attention to yourself/your body/your body parts (that are supposed to be kept private). Modesty is beautiful. When you dress provocatively, you look cheap and leave no mystery. Godly men would not be looking for those kinds of women. What kind of man are you (single women) trying to attract? If you're already married, your husband should be the only man who sees all your curves and cleavage....not the whole world. Do everything, including how you dress, for the glory of God! Look in the mirror and imagine Jesus standing next to you...would He approve of your outfit (regarding modesty, not price or style)? He always sees you. Your beauty should shine from within; don't let your clothes prevent others from seeing that. True beauty is when through your life/living…Jesus’s light shines brightly. True beauty is when your words, attitudes, and actions please God and glorify Him. Being beautiful in God’s sight is truly beautiful!

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31: 30

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight." 1 Peter 3:3-4

"Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature." Romans 13:14

Parents, grandparents, husbands, youth pastors, and pastors, please do speak up and help the girls and women in your lives not become stumbling blocks to men.

P.S. Whether they are believers or non-believers, we are to love them with Christ's love. If they are believers, you may exhort them with grace and gentleness. If they are non-believers, you can't expect them to want to please & glorify God or to understand what I mentioned above. Their hearts need to be transformed first. Another thing I want to mention is modesty should be practiced by both men and women. The video addresses only women from men's perspective and my post focuses on that.


  1. BRAVO! I actually went to a church where the wife & daughter dressed in skin tight outfits & the ALWAYS came in late & paraded to sit in the very front pew. The pastor invited them to change their attire, or they were uninvited to the church. Guess who never showed up again? LOL! Yep, it was all about gathering attention for them...not glorifying & worshiping the Lord! Great post!

    Glad to have found you through Spiritual Sundays! I look forward to following you & invite you to do the same!

    Hugs ~ Merana

  2. This is a touchy subject but true. I agree. This couldn't have come at a better time with the warm weather that's coming soon. I also pray that moms would teach their little girls how to dress like little ladies.

    Great Post!! =D

  3. A sweet and kind challenge to our Christian ladies. Too many of them have never heard of the principles in God's word that speak to the modest issue. I agree with Toia -- the advent of summer brings its own issues to modesty.

    With joy,

  4. This is a very timely post. Our society has gotten more and more immodest in recent years. You have very good advice here.

  5. Excellent post and video. Thank you for posting this. I am currently writing a book about such things. Great resource here.


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