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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Review: Home-Ec 101

About Home-Ec 101:
Home-Ec 101 by Heather Solos shares tips and tricks for tackling the everyday challenges we find in the home.

Heather's advice is easy to apply and is written with the same witty style and attitude readers love on her blog, Charts, tips, sidebars and "Dear Home Ec 101" letters offer the tools you need to keep your home clean and in good repair.

The perfect manual for college grads to the more seasoned homemakers, this book has something to offer everyone. From the simplest how to's (ever meet a 20 year old who can't pre-heat an oven?) to how to be a fabulous host at your housewarming party, Heather's advice is relevant for homeowners and apartment dwellers of any age.

My Thoughts and Review:
I have to admit that home-ec is not my forte :). I like a clean home; who doesn't? But the cleaning/getting dirty part...not so much. I love cooking, but not the preparation part. I don't mind laundry, but the putting away part is usually put off. My husband is great at fixing things (I'm so thankful for that). My major problem is: I am organizationally challenged....or maybe time-management challenged (could be both!) I enjoyed reading and gaining practical advice from this book. The author is very funny; who knew that a book about home-keeping could be so entertaining :)?

Home-Ec 101 is divided into four sections: Clean It, Wash It, Fix It, and Cook It. The author offers how-tos, tips and tricks, lists of tools you need (and more that you may want), techniques, and easy-to-read charts (chore chart, treatments for common stains, washing instructions for various fabrics, average lifespans for major appliances, emergency cooking or baking substitutions, and more). Her footnotes are hilarious. Don't miss the confession sections, either; you can learn from others' mistakes. "Dear Home-Ec 101" letters address questions/problems that you probably can relate to. I had moments while I was reading the book that I smiled knowing I've been there...done that :). The appendixes are great, too. They include homemade cleaning solutions, dangerous chemical combinations (to avoid, not to try), emergency preparedness checklist, and measurements conversion charts.

Want skills for everyday living? Get this book. It is a neat book to have on hand, especially for those who are keepers-at-home (or apartment) or keepers-at-home wannabes.
  ~ I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from One2One Network for an exchange of my honest review.

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