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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Robert Pierre Music

My family and I love listening to Christian music. I was given an opportunity to review 4 songs performed by an 18 year old pop Christian musician, Robert Pierre. I had never heard of him before but I like to see young people using their gifts for the Lord. I liked what I read in his bio.

Robert Pierre's Bio:
Robert Pierre is an 18-year-old with a big voice and an even bigger heart; a talented musician and a singer-songwriter who has managed to juggle a music career with his high school honors course work. Robert grew up in a Christian home and knew about Christ all his life, but it wasn't until he was confronted by a teacher in seventh grade that he gave his life to Christ. "He looked at me and asked me one simple question," Robert explained, "He asked, 'If you were to die right now, and were standing at the gates of heaven, and God asked you why He should let you in... what would you say?' And all I could think to answer honestly was that He shouldn't..." The Spirit used that moment to bring Robert to a point of repentance and salvation that changed his life forever. It was at that time that Robert committed his talents to the glory of God alone. Soon,
the Lord began to open doors of opportunity for Robert to minister to people through music. Robert has already released two nationally distributed records, with three singles hitting the Billboard Christian AC Top 50 hit list. In addition to performing at summer festivals, Christian fund raisers, teen camps, youth groups and schools, Robert has toured nationally with the junior high "Believe" Tour, the inaugural "iShine" Tour and the nation’s largest Christian tour "Winter Jam 2010." This last year, he has spent his time writing and recording his third record, titled “I’m All In,” which is representative of Robert’s passion for not only talking about his Christian faith, but living sold out for Christ. The project has been co-written and produced by award winning songwriters and producers Matt Bronleewe and Jason Ingram. Robert not only sings on this aIbum, but wrote on 10 out of 11 songs, played guitar for the recording, and sang back up vocals.

Below are the titles of the four songs I listened online:-

Both my 17 year old daughter and I enjoyed listening to all four songs; we especially love You Hold Me Now and Identity. Robert Pierre has a nice, pleasant voice. His voice reminds me of Down Here's lead singer. All four songs have great lyrics. All of them were written by others, except Identity which has Robert as one of the writers. I'd like to share with you a YouTube video I found of You Hold Me Now sung by Robert Pierre. Note: Please turn off my music playlist at the bottom of this page before starting the video.

I am quite pleased with Robert's music and am looking forward to reviewing his full-length CD that will be released later this summer. By the way, Robert is graduating from high school this coming Friday, May 20th. Congratulations, Robert! It's encouraging to see young people reaching out to other young people with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Talking about his CD album, Identity, Robert said, “For generations, my family has been involved with missionaries to build and run Christian orphanages. But it wasn’t until I met thousands of kids right here in America who were truly hurting that I felt a calling for ministry. I want kids to understand that it doesn’t matter who the world tells them to be, it only matters who God says they are. That’s our identity and it’s the motivation behind the CD.” (taken from his Facebook info. page)

You may also preview his four songs & download for free here.
Connect with Robert on Facebook at (he manages his own facebook page).
Visit his website at .

One of Robert's favorite activities is playing basketball. My boys also love to play basketball so I showed my kids this fun video of Robert and his friends doing some water basketball trick shots: . Very impressive :)!


  1. I love this review. I am going to listen to more of this new artist. Thank you and many blessings to you today. Come visit soon. Hugs Anne

  2. Hi it is lovely to visit your blog, since it looks like you have the same kind of ideals as me :)I love that Jonathan Edwards quote! And I also love that song 'You Hold Me Now'!


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