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Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday's Fave Five #53

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:-
1. Our free trip to Colorado. Fabulous family time!

2. Touring Focus on the Family plus having lunch with Mr. Jim Daly, President & CEO of Focus on the Family.

3. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs

4. Red Lobster (one of my favorite restaurants). Yummy seafood! I don't get tired of lobster, crab, shrimp, and scallops.

5. Divided the Movie (you can watch it online for free until September). Interesting documentary! Some people think we're crazy/weird for keeping our kids with us during the church service and for not having our kids in any youth groups. We aren't the only ones :).


  1. I clicked over and read about your trip - how lovely!! And what a sweet surprise. So glad you had a wonderful time.

    (I never tire of seafood either - good thing I live a few minutes away from the wharf!)

    Happy weekend!

  2. Sounds like a great trip! those are always the best.....

    We like seafood as well...especially my husband who grew up near Boston....we have to wait til we get to cape cod later this summer to have "GOOD" seafood tho :)
    Is there a reason your children don't go to a youth group? We chose our church 6 years ago, specifically to get them into a good Bible-based Youth Group and haven't regretted it at all. There is a junior high group for my youngest and the senior high one for my oldest. they meet once a week each, and then the senior high kids are broken into small groups that meet in leaders' homes once a week on a different nite. It has really helped to have a dynamic youth pastor, too! have a great weekend....

  3. A free trip and a chance to visit Focus. How nice!

    We ate at Red Lobster when we visited my daughter a couple weeks ago. I'm not a seafood fan but their tilapia special was really good.

  4. how awesome to win a free trip and to one of my favourite cities. we lived there for almost 5 years. you did all the most wonderful things i the area!

    our homeschool group used to have a once a month reading club at whit's end at focus on the family. we met before it was open to the public. plenty of room for our "serious" time and then play and lunch afterwards.

    feeding the giraffes was always a fav whenever we visited the zoo.

    thanks for the link to divided. i will listen to it. several of our families keep their children with them at church too.
    have a great week.

  5. How nice to have such a wonderful trip, and for free!

    I love Red Lobster, too.. and those biscuts.. Yum!



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