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Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday's Fave Five #54

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:-
1. On Saturday, we celebrated our delightful daughter, Alyssa's 18th birthday and graduation. She's such a beautiful blessing to our family and to the world ♥! We had a pleasant surprise at the graduation/birthday party. My husband composed a song for Alyssa earlier in the day (nobody knew about it). At the end of the program, he played the piano and sang his song to her. So sweet and special!

2. The slideshow that Alyssa put together for her graduation, accompanied by the songs "Lord of Eternity" by Fernando Ortega and "Consider the Cost" by Steve Camp, was precious and made people cry. Her speech was totally God-honoring and inspiring.

3. We've enjoyed having a Chinese exchange student with us for the past 2 weeks. She will turn 15 tomorrow. Hope she will like the gifts we have for her :). Yesterday, we had a wonderful time watching a talent show performed by all the Chinese exchange students. Piano playing. Acting (skits). Singing. Illusion. Lots of fun.

4. Check out my review of Robert Pierre (18 year old talented Christian musician)'s newest album, "I'm All In" and enter to win a copy. Deadline: August 9th

5. Check out this cool online pen pal kids club (a safe and fun place to connect with kids around the world)! Try a FREE (for the month of July) membership for up to 5 people per household! And you can enter my giveaway to win a free 3 extra month membership to Pen Pal Kids Club! Deadline: 7/31


  1. I enjoyed your list, you had a wonderful week. Congratulations to your daughter Allyssa on her Birthday and her graduation. Eighteen is such a beautiful age! Have a great weekend!

  2. Congratulations and happy birthday to Alyssa! How sweet of your husband to compose a song just for her. She can treasure that for years to come.

  3. A very happy birthday to your daughter and your exchange student! The graduation sounds like it was lovely and what a special gift from a dad to his daughter!

  4. Happy Birthday to Alyssa, and congratulations to her, too. How sweet of her father to write her a song!

    I hope your exchange student has a happy birthday, too.

    I've hosting those giveaways, too. I love the Robert Pierre Cd, and the pen pal site is neat!

  5. Congratulations to Alyssa on both her graduation and her birthday. And to your exchange student too. The talent show certainly must have been fun.
    Have a happy weekend!

  6. great list of faves...congrats to your 18 year old! My oldest just celebrated hers too a couple weeks ago..time flies...i'll have to find that singer, never heard of him.


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