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Monday, December 5, 2011


Missio (Latin for mission)--noun:
1. sending of God
2. a people participating in the mission of God
3. the reason for spiritual formation
4. why the Church exists
(Definition provided by )

Last Monday, I posted here about my first impression after looking over a MissioLife preview kit that I received via the B & B Media Group. Later, I received the first Adult Module (1 of 6 modules for Year 1) to try out. I was hoping to use one of the 6 lessons (there are 6 weekly lessons in each module) in our Bible study group with international college students on Friday but they could not come. Therefore, I used it during our family Bible study, instead.

Breathe, the MissioLife small-group resource for adults is a well-laid out and easy-to-use curriculum. Each week you get a 3-page Biblical reflection to help you engage in the story of God, a 2-page facilitator's guide to equip the leader with weekly community discussions, and a 1-page participant's handout to help everyone in your group join in the conversation. I printed out Lesson 3--Genesis 3. We first read Genesis 3 from the Bible and then I guided my family into discussions by reading the commentary included with the lesson and asking the questions. My kids (18, 13, and 10) had no problem understanding the message and they actively participated in the discussions. We were encouraged to study and apply Genesis 3 by reflecting on these four questions: How is this God's story? How is this my/our story? How is this others' story? How is this the world's story?  Each week, there's a weekly practice which challenges your group to practice living into the mission of God beyond the small group meeting. Your group will also be encouraged to spend more time in God's Word by reading and journaling through the extra Scriptures included in each lesson. Do you want to get serious about living your faith out loud for the glory of God and for His kingdom? If so, check out MissioLife. You can download some free lesson samples on the website.

"With every breath, our life should make a statement of God's work in and through us." (from MissioLife)

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