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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Review: SongCompanion

I received a free SongCompanion for review. SongCompanion is an interactive publication in pdf format that explores the lyrics and themes of some Christian songs to help you learn and grow in your faith. Music often touches people's hearts in a powerful way and gets stuck in people's minds for a long time. Tom Houck, the founder of SongCompanion, hopes to provide fun, enjoyable learning tools for spiritual growth. Each SongCompanion is like a devotional/Bible study guide based on a meaningful song. The one I reviewed is based on the song, "How Many Kings" by Downhere. I love this song; in fact, it's one of my all-time favorite Christmas songs :). I enjoyed the colorful, multi-media SongCompanion. It is filled with great relevant Biblical truth, interesting information, web links, video clips, and more. Did you know that Downhere is a Canadian band? I didn't know that. The theme in the How Many Kings SongCompanion is humility and serving others. I really like the Deep Dive Questions; these questions help readers dig deeper into God's Word and reflect on real-life applications. SongCompanions can be used for personal use or for group discussions. Check these wonderful resources out at

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