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Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday's Fave Five #65

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:-
1. Last weekend, I attended Answers Conference via live streaming (4 sessions) and also in person (one session). Dr. Tommy Mitchell (from Answers in Genesis) spoke about dinosaurs, suffering, why Genesis matters, and Noah's Ark & the global flood.

Master Books' authors will offer free online webinars on the following dates at 9 p.m. ET.
Mar. 20- Bodie Hodge of Answers in Genesis/The Foundation of Genesis in Today’s Culture
Mar. 22- Dr. Don DeYoung/ Current Events in Creation Studies
Mar. 29- Dr. Carl Werner/ Why I Abandoned Evolution To learn more, visit and

2. I like this quote: "I can't keep pretending I live in Disneyland, singing hymns and practicing personal piety while human trafficking steals children's souls, and thirty thousand people die every day of treatable diseases. I can't continue to live 'faith as usual' when I learn how many billions of people are making the same amount of money in a year that I make in three days. If knowing all this doesn't shake you to the core, something's probably wrong with your view of Jesus and the life to which we're invited." ~Richard Dahlstrom (from his book, The Colors of Hope)

Yesterday, I had a tough day but then I was so encouraged by my 13 yo son who is such an encourager ♥! My Barnabas :)!

4. My two current giveaways:
-You can enter to win a copy of Miami Vineyard LIVE CD at . Ends 3/17 This is a fun & flavorful praise/worship CD, combining Latin, Gospel, Island, and Funk styles.
-You can enter to win a copy of The Woodcarver DVD at . Ends 3/31 This is a wonderful family, faith-based DVD based on the concept of WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?).

5. I love this song. Beautiful message and beautiful harmony! Thank You, Jesus! It's all about You!
Note: Please turn off my music playlist at the bottom of this page before starting the video.


  1. How wonderful that your son, at 13, is an encourager!!

  2. That conference sounds very interesting!

    I've now sent the link to that song to a couple people. Thanks for sharing it. I've never heard of that group.


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