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Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday's Fave Five #66

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:-
1. I enjoyed the International House picnic. There was a cooking contest. Lots of yummy dishes from various cultures such as Vietnamese, Chinese, Middle-Eastern, etc. I entered my Thai Green Curry with Chicken. I didn't win. The winner's dish was pizza :).

2. Last Friday night, we (our Bible study/fellowship group including several international students) had so much fun playing ping-pong, pool, foosball, and cool group games! Lots of laughs.

3. I participate in Spring Reading Thing 2012 and posted the list of books that I plan to read this spring here

4. March Madness = sledding fun in the snow! I think spring is really confused or has lost its way somehow :). We took advantage of the snow we got yesterday.

5. "7 Tips for Teaching Preschoolers the Bible" written by Alyssa (my 18 yo daughter) is published in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine's March issue.



  1. great list of faves! so funny that PIZZA won in an international cooking contest??? somehow I just wouldn't vote for that one! lol....that's awesome that your daughter has written a book! Have a great weekend...

  2. Sounds like some interesting and fun times in your week. Spring really has seemed to be confused this year. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Winter was a little confused this year so it's not surprising that Spring has been crazy all over too.

    Mmm, I'd love your Thai Green Curry (with tofu) :)

  4. Pizza is one of my favorite foods yet I'm quite surprised it would win. I'm sure your chicken curry is delicious. I haven't had green curry before.

    I'm looking at snow on the ground too as I type. Though that is not unusual for us in the spring.


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