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Friday, October 12, 2012

Book Review: What Every Christian Ought to Know

About the Author:
For over fifty years, Adrian Rogers consistently presented the Good News of Jesus Christ with strong conviction, compassion and integrity. One of America’s most respected Bible teachers, he communicated to millions through his Love Worth Finding radio and television ministry that continues to be broadcasted today in more than 150 countries around the world. Dr. Rogers was also senior pastor of the 27,000-member Bellevue Baptist Church near Memphis, Tennessee, and a popular author whose books include Unveiling the End Times in Our Time and The Incredible Power of Kingdom Authority.
A leader in his denomination, serving three terms as president of the Southern Baptist Convention, Dr. Rogers was honored to be inducted into the prestigious Hall of Fame in 2003 by the National Religious Broadcasters. He passed away in 2005. His son Steve Rogers continues to run Love Worth Finding, as well as the Adrian Rogers Pastor Training Institute. Dr. Rogers is also survived by wife Joyce, three other children, nine grandchildren and one great‐grandchild.

My Review: 
Do you know what you believe and why you believe it? What Every Christian Ought to Know is very appropriately titled! Pastor Adrian Rogers explains in details the foundational, essential Biblical truths that every Christ's follower should/must know to be able to stand firm in the faith and grow spiritually. The book covers important topics such as the assurance of salvation, eternal security, faith, the Holy Spirit, how to understand the Bible, and how to handle temptation. Each chapter starts with the Scriptures and ends with 7 thought-provoking questions. I really enjoyed reading this book and appreciated Pastor Adrian Rogers' no-nonsense, Biblically-based teaching, sense of humor, play with words, and use of analogies to make things clearer and easily understandable.

What Every Christian Ought to Know would make a perfect gift for any new believers! However, it is still valuable and beneficial for any believers, young and old. I've been a Christ's follower for many years and I was so encouraged by this awesome book. It confirms what I believe and reminds me why I believe it. So refreshing! I definitely recommend this book to every Christian :)!

"I'm not endeavoring to keep myself safe; I know I am saved. I'm saved by the grace of God; therefore I can be productive with grateful service. When we are confident of the future, we can concentrate on the present." (p.54)

"The joy of the Lord is constant, and the joy of the Lord is your strength. Happiness is like a thermometer; it registers conditions. Joy is like a thermostat; it controls conditions." (p.80)

"Your great desire ought to be to know His will. Your great delight will be to do His will. Your great danger is to refuse His will. Nothing is right for you if it is not God's will." (p.145)

~I received a copy of this book free from The B&B Media Group, Inc. in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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