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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Book Review: Mondays with My Old Pastor by Jose Luis Navajo

Mondays with My Old Pastor is a beautifully written memoir about the wisdom and insights which an 83 year old pastor imparts to a 46 year old pastor who struggles with spiritual exhaustion. Through successive visits with his old pastor, the younger pastor learns important lessons on so many topics such as humility, honesty, our true value, relationship/fellowship, importance of prayer, intimate communion with God, unconditional love, untimely death, grief, marriage, forgiveness, faithfulness, discipleship, ministry, and more. The old pastor offers a combination of Biblical wisdom, anecdotes, fables, and practical insights. I found this book to be very interesting, inspiring, and encouraging. It is not only beneficial for pastors but also for any believers who have ever experienced discouragement in serving God or bumps in their spiritual walk. The author presents the message in a way that draws readers to want to find out what the old pastor has to say in the next visits. Casual, comforting, captivating, and Christ-centered counsel! When I read the book, I felt like I was there sitting and listening to their conversation. The main message can be summed up in 15 principles. I highly recommend this excellent book!

"I firmly believe that there is no worse arrogance than spiritual pride; it is the kind that stinks the most. Do you know what happens with pride? It's like bad breath. Everyone notices it except the person who has it." (page 23)

"God is not as interested in our productivity as much as He is in our life. He loves fellowship much more than production." (page 27)

"Minutes spent with God produce great gains for every second of our lives. Focus your attention first and foremost on God rather than on men. That way when you stand before them you will have treasures to share." (page 36-37)

"It's easy to serve when everything is going well, but the hard times in life will lend credibility to your service and depth to your words." (page 81)

"A long time ago I came to a very logical conviction: Why should I worry? It's not my responsibility to think about myself. My responsibility is to think about God. It's God's responsibility to think about me." (page 130)

~ I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Friday's Fave Five #74

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:-
1. Last Friday, I made Christmas Popcorn Balls, Reindeer Sugar Cookies, Decadent Truffles, and Chocolate Cashew Craisin Clusters. Our family had a wonderful time delivering treats and visiting with our lovely neighbors.

2. Last Saturday, I took part in a Christmas Flash Mob at Washington Square Mall. Great time was had by all. Below is the video my daughter took. Enjoy :)! May Christ be glorified!

3. On Sunday, we hosted a Christmas celebration/dinner for our relatives, eight Chinese college students and a Taiwanese friend. After dinner and before gift-opening, in order to acknowledge the Greatest Gift of all, each person took turn randomly picking a memory verse card (from the Scripture Treasures box that I already have) and read a Bible verse about Jesus, Who is the Reason for the season (all seasons). Fantastic food and fellowship! Also delightful time in Gospel sharing and gift-giving :)!

4. We had a blessed & joyous CHRISTmas. I love this simple but beautiful poem written by Judy Howe.

Thank You, Jesus
For coming to earth.
Born as a Baby
Giving us true mirth.

Thank You, Jesus
For coming to earth.
Died on a cross
Giving us real worth.

Thank You, Jesus
For coming to earth.
Rose from the dead
Giving us new birth.

Christmas never ends when Christ lives in us and we live for Him...when we live a grace-filled and Christ-centered life of love & light, compassion & celebration, service & sacrifice everyday! Remember that J.O.Y. = Jesus. Others. You. :)

5. My husband takes 2 weeks off (starting on Dec. 24th). We love having him with us all days all nights all the time :)!
We've been having lots of family fun playing with Nerf guns and BB gun.

Have a blessed & fruitful new year, everyone! Happy 2013!