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Friday, December 28, 2012

Friday's Fave Five #74

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:-
1. Last Friday, I made Christmas Popcorn Balls, Reindeer Sugar Cookies, Decadent Truffles, and Chocolate Cashew Craisin Clusters. Our family had a wonderful time delivering treats and visiting with our lovely neighbors.

2. Last Saturday, I took part in a Christmas Flash Mob at Washington Square Mall. Great time was had by all. Below is the video my daughter took. Enjoy :)! May Christ be glorified!

3. On Sunday, we hosted a Christmas celebration/dinner for our relatives, eight Chinese college students and a Taiwanese friend. After dinner and before gift-opening, in order to acknowledge the Greatest Gift of all, each person took turn randomly picking a memory verse card (from the Scripture Treasures box that I already have) and read a Bible verse about Jesus, Who is the Reason for the season (all seasons). Fantastic food and fellowship! Also delightful time in Gospel sharing and gift-giving :)!

4. We had a blessed & joyous CHRISTmas. I love this simple but beautiful poem written by Judy Howe.

Thank You, Jesus
For coming to earth.
Born as a Baby
Giving us true mirth.

Thank You, Jesus
For coming to earth.
Died on a cross
Giving us real worth.

Thank You, Jesus
For coming to earth.
Rose from the dead
Giving us new birth.

Christmas never ends when Christ lives in us and we live for Him...when we live a grace-filled and Christ-centered life of love & light, compassion & celebration, service & sacrifice everyday! Remember that J.O.Y. = Jesus. Others. You. :)

5. My husband takes 2 weeks off (starting on Dec. 24th). We love having him with us all days all nights all the time :)!
We've been having lots of family fun playing with Nerf guns and BB gun.

Have a blessed & fruitful new year, everyone! Happy 2013!


  1. Sounds like a blessed time for sure!! LOVE the poem....I was happy to have my husband home for a few days as well! there is nothing like family time and celebrating our Savior!!

  2. Have a wonderful time with your husband at home!

  3. How nice to have your hubby home for two weeks straight. Sounds like you had a very nice Christmas. Wishing you a Happy New Year!

  4. Sounds like a lovely time! My husband has been off, too, and that makes it so nice.

    How fun to be in a flash mob!

    Love #4.

  5. Sounds like an awesome celebration from baking to having international students over. You guys are very intentional about sharing your lives with others - inspirational and lovely!

    I've always wanted to be part of a flash mob. Do you have to make special arrangements with the mall in order to do that? This is something I want to plan for next year. Thanks so much for sharing your video of it. So FUN.

    I hope the rest of hubby's vacation is filled with a lot of family time and joy.

  6. Sounds like a great week and how fun to participate in a flash mob!
    I like that verse idea.
    Have a great weekend.

  7. How great that your husband has two weeks off! I'm sure it's wonderful that he can just be home and enjoy his family.

    I used to live near Washington Square Mall and recognized the stores--enjoyed the flash mob too.

  8. How great that you did all of that baking and shared it with neighbors! I'm sure they were delighted. I can relate to your husband's vacation because I have 2 1/2 weeks off for the Christmas break. My husband works from home so I hope he's glad I'm home for awhile! Happy New Year!

  9. Lovely Christ-centered celebrations! I bet your neighbors enjoyed those goodies. The Christmas Flash Mom looks fun, indeed.


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