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Friday, January 4, 2013

Friday's Fave Five #75

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:-

1. We enjoyed dim sum at half price (between 3 and 5 pm at China Town Restaurant...we usually eat late lunch anyway) on Wednesday. I love dim sum :)!

2. I enjoy reading and reviewing great Christian books. You can find my top 12 reads of 2012 on my other blog.

3. We visited the OSU campus yesterday (it's been 22 years since Eric and I graduated from there). Lots of things have changed. It's fun to reminisce :)! It's cool to see Eric's picture in Kearney Hall (used to be called Apperson Hall). Alyssa (our daughter) will be a third generation Beaver in the fall!

4. As I looked back, I realized that I didn't do much blogging in 2012. However, I'd like to share my top 12 favorite blog posts of 2012. Hope they somehow encourage you :)!

5. We're thankful for God's presence, provision, and protection in the past years.
We're looking forward to seeing how He will work in us, through us, and for us in 2013. Here are some snapshots of our 2012.Click to play this Smilebox slideshow

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  1. How cool that you wrote up your top books and posts for 2012. I love looking back on my past year to see what gems are there.

    A third generation Beaver?! What an awesome tradition. How fun to see hubby's photo up. :)

    I wish we had half price dim sum around here. I agree, dim sum is TASTY.

    Have a great week.

  2. how neat that your daughter is going to the same college you attended. What is OSU?? My oldest attends Gordon's a liberal arts Christian college in New England, north of Boston. she (and we!!) love it!! I went to Roberts Wesleyan which she looked at, and my husband went to RPI which she DIDN'T Look at. (too liberal and didn't have her major!). Your week sounds like it was special. I love reading so will take a peek at your list!
    Happy Weekend!!

  3. I have never tried dim sum but should!

    It's neat your daughter will be going to the same college you and your husband did! Two of my sons did that but one is going somewhere else.

  4. Looks like your family did lots of fun things together over the year!

    Nice that you could go back to your alma mater and visit and reminisce. It's neat that your daughter has also chosen to go there.

    Happy New Year!

  5. Although I'm a native Oregonian, I didn't attend any Oregon colleges. My brother went to Portland State for awhile. But. We have lots of friends who are Beavers!


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