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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Book Review: Live Second: 365 Ways to Put Jesus First by Doug Bender

Live Second is a devotional book born out of the I Am Second movement which is all about placing Jesus first in our lives. The book contains 365 daily readings divided into 12 sessions of 52 weeks covering various topics such as Discover God, Grow, Lead, Jesus Says, and Go Global. It challenges readers to live second each day as they put Jesus first and guides them through Scriptures, prayers, prompt questions, and links/QR codes to "I Am Second" videos. Live Second is a unique devotional since it includes film-watching and social media interaction (you can tweet your thoughts or prayers by using specifically given hashtags on Twitter). I found the "I Am Second" videos very interesting and inspiring. I really enjoyed listening to so many different ways which God has used to draw people to get their attention. These people come from all walks of life (actors, athletes, musicians, pastors, politicians, and more); each testimony is powerful on its own because God's power of transformation is evident in their lives. On the other hand, the book itself is somewhat disappointing to me. Each day's reading is quite short (it does point readers to read more in the Bible which is good) and too simple (for me...I guess I was expecting something deeper...more meat). Besides, according to the Bible, I am not supposed to be second; I am called to be last. Jesus wants us to honor others above ourselves (for example: Romans 12:10b, Philippians 2:3, Mark 9:35). Live last, not second :)! Anyway, I think this book is still a great tool for new believers and/or non-believers.

"God does not use our measurements. He does not value beauty above humility. He does not measure wit and charisma above faith and integrity. God sees the core of our hearts and measures the substance of our being and the truth of our character." (p. 17)

"No matter our sin, no matter our history, our mistakes or our struggles, Jesus offers forgiveness. No life is too tattered, no soul too battered, no heart is too dirtied to be saved by the forgiveness of Jesus." (p. 39)

"The mark of a follower of Jesus, of one who lives Second, is not perfection (though that will come in the end); it is the fight, the struggle to turn the tides of our desires toward the Maker of our souls." (p.43)

~ I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions are my own.

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