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Monday, July 29, 2013

Book Review: Billy Graham in Quotes by Franklin Graham with Donna Lee Toney

    I collect quotes :)! Seriously! My kids sometimes get embarrassed because in group gatherings, I often start quoting some great quotes but have to quickly add a disclaimer that it may not be exactly word for word. I enjoy finding, reading, sharing, and pondering over insightful quotes. So you can imagine my excitement when I received this book to review :). Billy Graham is considered one of the most respectable and well-known preachers, authors, and evangelists in the world. People listen when he speaks, especially since he speaks as an experienced, faithful, and devoted ambassador of Christ. This book is definitely a precious gem! It's a wonderful collection of Billy Graham's quotes that cover a wide range of topics (107 in total) from abortion, addiction, angels, anxiety, God's will, Heaven, living the Christian life to marriage, suffering, temptation, war, witnessing, world evangelism, and young people. Over 1,500 quotes (taken from Billy Graham's writings from 1947 to 2010)! Each topic starts with a Bible verse that is relevant to that topic.

    Arranged under topics in alphabetical order (from A to Y), it is very easy to look up quotes that I am curious about or want to find while doing a Bible study on a certain topic. The book is packed with Godly wisdom and insights gained from Billy Graham's personal experience of walking with Jesus for more than seventy years. Every page is filled with Biblical truth, hope, faith, encouragement, and heartfelt messages of conviction from a man after God's own heart. His wisdom stems from his knowledge & understanding of God's Word and his words are based upon the Word of God; therefore, these quotes are Biblically sound, meaningful, and inspirational. I highly recommend this book which offers readers a wealth of spiritual nuggets for everyday living! Let's learn from the 94 year old evangelist who has learned much from the Lord over the years. I've discovered so many excellent quotes that have now become some of my favorites :). I'd like to share a few here to whet your appetite...

    "This 'I' was made in the image of God for fellowship with God.
    Without God it is miserable, empty, confused, and frustrated.
    Without God life has no meaning; but with God at its center there is life, an inner strength and peace, a deep satisfaction, an unfading joy known only to those who know Jesus Christ
    ." (p. 204) 

    "There comes a moment when we all must realize that life is short, and in the end the only thing that really counts is not how others see us, but how God sees us." (p. 210)

    "Patience is part of true Christlikeness, something we so often admire in others without demanding it of ourselves." (p. 250)

    A note from Franklin Graham:
    "My father, Billy Graham, is known for speaking out about the one and only thing that matters in this world: the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. He remembers the call of God seven decades ago to preach the Word of God to all those who would listen about salvation that comes only through Christ. He took this high calling with seriousness and boldness in obedience to God and once said, 'I will travel anywhere in the world to preach if there are no strings on what I am to say.'"My father has always prayed that his words would reflect God's standard of truth as the basis to claim, 'I have given them Your word' (John 17:14). In this book, I believe you will see that he has faithfully spoken God's Word that quenches the thirst of those seeking to draw from the wellsprings of Life. It is highly meaningful to see these statements now collected in one volume."

    ~ I received this book free from the publisher through the® book review bloggers program in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

    1 comment:

    1. Supper quotes compilation. I have collected many quotes from you. Thanks for sharing!!


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