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Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday's Fave Five #85

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:-
We watched Letters to God DVD. Love it! Sad but so good. I was in tears. How thankful I am for the hope we have in Jesus Christ!

2. My daughter turned 20 this past Tuesday. We celebrated her birthday earlier with family on Saturday. We had a blast playing a spy game (many rounds) and improv games.

3. Fresh fruits and Smashing Smoothies...very refreshing on a sweaty, sticky day :)!
‪#‎mangoes‬ ‪#‎blueberries‬ ‪#‎lychees‬ ‪#‎greekyogurt‬ ‪#‎vanillaicecream‬ ‪#‎healthyandyummy‬

4. Walking and worshiping the Lord (while listening to my mp3 player) at the same time during late evening in beautiful breezy weather...

5. My husband took 2 days off from work this week. The kids and I love having him home with us. We also enjoy going to YMCA to exercise (and get out of the heat :)).

Extra: You can enter to win a copy of Adventures in Odyssey 90 Devotions for Kids on my other blog at ! Ends 7/31


  1. That fruit platter looks delicious! :)

  2. Oh we LOVE fresh fruit at my house....I love that about living in NYS because this time of year the local berries are PLENTIFUL and inexpensive!! I worshiped and walked this week too with my iPod! :) I love it! (although I tend to go in the early morning or very late afternoon). Happy birthday to your girl! my oldest turned 20 on the 11th!! the time flies.....

  3. Happy birthday to your daughter. Your fruit looks so good and refreshing. I would rather have fresh fruit than birthday cake...but I'll still take the birthday ice cream!

  4. Fresh summer fruit is always a hit at our house! I like mine nice and cold out of the fridge. Happy birthday to your daughter! I've seen that DVD and it is a sad but good show.

  5. My youngest son has just expressed an interest in smoothies - I need to investigate some recipes.

    Hubby's having some unexpected days off is a blessing.

    I love games. We played some water balloon games at my son's birthday party - it actually felt nice to get splashed on a warm day.

    Letters to God sounds interesting - will have to look it up.

  6. Happy Birthday to your girl! No longer a teenager.
    At our house we love smoothies too. They're SO refreshing.
    When we lived in Oregon (and even now) we loved walking in the evenings.


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