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Monday, November 11, 2013

Give Thanks to the Lord, Call on His Name!

- "Give thanks to the Lord, call on His Name (proclaim His Name)"--this means a lot to me right now since I have been studying and reflecting on the names of God. The more I know God (His attributes/ character), the more I love Him and the more grateful I am for Him. The more I love Him and the more grateful I am for Him, the more I want to know Him and to make Him known.
- One of the keys to having a thankful heart is to remember what God has done in us, for us, and through us. One of the Israelites' problems (that caused them to often complain) was that they were forgetful of all that the Lord had done for them.
- If we're truly thankful, our lives will show it. We can't help but sing praise to God and tell others of all His wonderful acts. In addition, we will use our time, talents, and treasures to honor and glorify His Holy Name. When we glorify God, we're giving a reflection of His character. To magnify God is to make Him easy for all to see.
- Gratitude in the hearts of those who seek the Lord will be expressed in indescribable joy (regardless of any circumstances).
- "Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always"--our focus should always be on our Lord (fix your eyes on Jesus). Seek Him first and always. He should be our Priority and we should relentlessly pursue Him. Remember that He is our Strength and He Who has us in His hands is all powerful and mighty. Do we look to people and things for satisfaction/fulfillment? God wants us to look to Him, rely/depend on Him alone! Looking to the Lord & His strength and continually giving thanks to Him take our mind off our problems and needs.

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