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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Prayer with Thanksgiving

- Prayer with gratitude is the cure for anxiety. We should thank God for what He has already done before we make any new requests.
- God's peace is different from the world's peace. "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." ~Jesus (John 14:27) This inner peace is the tranquility of spirit that only God can give. It's not found in positive thinking or in absence of conflict. It comes from knowing that our God is in control and putting our trust in Him completely. Calmness in our heart in the midst of chaos :)!
- "Transcends all understanding"--God's peace surpasses all our reasons and circumstances. It's unexplainable and unfathomable. The presence of Christ, the Prince of Peace, makes all the difference in the world. He is our Peace (Yahweh Shalom)!
- When I fix my thoughts on the power of God, the promises of God, & the purposes of God and give thanks continually for His presence, provision, & protection, His peace guards my heart and mind. I pray. I trust. I rest.
- "Guard"--protect from harm, not letting anything penetrate, watch over, shield, defend
- To sum up this passage: Want God's peace? Worry about nothing. Pray about everything. :)

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