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Monday, January 20, 2014

Be Imitators of God

- Just as little children learn to do things by imitating their parents, we, as dearly loved children of God, should imitate God, our Heavenly Father. Follow His example/footsteps.
- God's children are to live differently, not like the world. Can people see a family resemblance? We belong to God's family. "If we claim to have fellowship with Him (God) and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth." (1 John 1:6) "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--His good, pleasing and perfect will." (Romans 12:2)
- Who is our role model? Who is our children's role model? The world tries to elevate famous singers/movie stars/athletes, etc. as role models. As Christ's followers, Jesus Christ should be our Ultimate Role Model! Copy Christ!
- I wrote the following poem in 1995. Each year I hope and pray that I will be more like Christ than the year before.

I want to be a sweet daughter

Who makes her mom laugh and smile,
Helps out when her mom gets older,
And does her best as a grateful child

I want to be a submissive wife
Who serves and supports her husband,
Loves and respects him even in the midst of strife,
Shares memories, struggles, sorrows, and fun

I want to be a caring mother
Who's always there for her kids,
Helping them grow stronger and wiser,
And become spiritually rich

I want to be a dependable friend
Who tirelessly encourages others
I want to be a cheerful giver
Who expects nothing in return

I want to be a fruitful missionary
Who wins lost souls to the Lord for eternity
I want to be a loving neighbor
Who puts above self concerns for others

I want to be a faithful prayer warrior
Who won't stop praying 'til things get better
I want to be a joyful worshiper
Who sings praises to the Lord forever and ever

I want to be a kind "Good Samaritan"
Who readily tries to meet any needs, assist anyone
I want to be a true Christian example
Who keeps trusting God through any trials and troubles

The secret lies in JESUS
Who lives within us
I want to walk in His love and in His light
I want all I say and do to be pleasing in His sight

What I really want to say is...
I want to CHRIST!

- In order to become like Him, we must understand what He is like. God is love. Do we love like He does? Sacrificially, selflessly, and unconditionally! To imitate Him, we must know His attributes/His character. Keep reading/studying God's Word to know Him more.
- Prayer: Lord, please mold me and make me be more like You every day. May Your vision be my vision, Your passion be my passion, and Your compassion be my compassion! When the world looks at me, I hope and pray that they will say, "Like Father, like daughter." Help others to see not me, but only Christ in me. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen!

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