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Friday, January 31, 2014

Better Than Life

- To David, God's unfailing love is better than life itself. Therefore, he continued to praise God and sing praises to Him even in the midst of great distress.
If we treat our life as a gift from the Lord and not as a right to be happy, safe, and secure...If we truly believe that God's love is better than life and remember that nothing can separate us from His love, then by His grace, we can be strong & confident in our faith and continue to glorify Him...come what may. God alone can satisfy our deepest longings. Jesus is all we ever need. He alone suffices. Anything else in life is extra.
- Life is hopeless and meaningless without Christ...without God's love for us. Because of God's unconditional and sacrificial love for us, Christ came to die in our place to give us eternal life (John 3:16). In Christ, we are complete/fully satisfied, lacking nothing.
- Like David, we should respond to God's love with praise and thanksgiving.
- My haiku based on Psalm 63:3-5.
Each breath that I take
Testifies of Your sweet grace
I live for You, Lord!

You alone suffice
Your unfailing love for me
Yes, better than life!

Fully satisfied
My lips will glorify You
As long as I live

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