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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Book Review and Giveaway: The God-First Life by Stovall Weems

My Review:
How is your life? How is your spiritual life? A fulfilling and rewarding life doesn't have to be complicated. Pastor Stovall Weems provides readers a practical principle based on Matthew 6:33, "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Keep it simple; just put God first! The author proposes that the life that God intends you and me to live is the God-first life. It's a matter of arranging our priorities in the right order. When the priorities are not in order, our lives are out of order. But what does it mean to live the God-first life? Read the book and find out :).

The book is divided into four main sections: New Priority, New Family, New Life, and New Freedom. The author shows what a new life in Christ looks like and how it leads to blessings and freedom. He talks about the difference between position and function in God's family and how Christ's followers are transformed through community. He also covers topics of worship, devotions, serving (I really like A Servant's Self-Test on page 119), tithing, and fear. The God-First Life is an easy read with simple truths that can make a huge impact when you put them into practice. When we put God first in our lives, we'll discover that all other pieces of the life puzzle will fall into place. Check this book out and let us be intentional about living the God-first life God's way!

"Whatever has first place in your life directs how you live it." (p. 21)
"We were created for overflow. Whatever you fill up on, that's what's going to flow out of you." (p. 76)
"When Jesus took off his robe, he was laying aside the symbol of his earthly rank. He was sending a message: Status does not define my disciple; servanthood does...He was doing what he had always done, teaching them how to love one another. Serving like Christ means serving from a place of strength, not of insecurity, compulsion, or the need for approval." (p. 121)

GIVEAWAY: You can win a copy of this book. Open only to residents in the US and Canada.
Deadline: 03/31 at midnight (Pacific time)
To Enter: Leave a comment here with your email address. Please share one of your favorite quotes or Bible verses.
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~I received a free copy of this book via Icon Media Group in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.


  1. Would love to win the book. My favorite, or one of my favorite verses is Prov. 3:5,6. Learning more how to trust the Lord for His guidance, and supplier, even if I don't have the understanding for how He does it. Sounds like a good book you have here.

  2. Another verse I love is Psalm 103:1, Bless the Lord with All my heart, Bless His Holy Name.

  3. In my first comment forgot to add my email address.
    Prov. 3:5,6 are my favorite verses for sure.

  4. I have been studying this and how to look always towards heaven in and through all things.
    Jeremiah 29:11 is the scripture I held onto for so many years now.


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