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Monday, March 31, 2014

Book Review: One God, One Plan, One Life by Max Lucado

My Review:
I collect devotionals and Max Lucado is one of my favorite Christian authors. Therefore, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to review this devotional for teens and tweens (we still have 2 teen boys at home). There are 365 daily devotionals in the book. Each month begins with Scriptures. Each devotional is only one page long. It starts with a Bible verse and ends with the "One More Thought" section written by James Lund. The devotional text was adapted from some of Max Lucado's previous books. At the end of the book, you will find two Bible-reading plans: 30 Days with Jesus and 90 Days Through the Bible.

Life can be quite difficult and challenging, especially for teens. This devotional encourages teens to trust God and His plan for their lives, guides them with God's Word and principles, and helps them develop a deeper relationship with God. It covers many topics that teens have to deal with such as purity, identity, bullying, alcohol & drug use, self-control, faith, and more. I really like the book's design, layout, colors, and sturdiness. I think it looks hip and appealing. The devotionals are interesting and insightful and they don't sound preachy. I've always enjoyed Max Lucado's witty humor :). I only wish the book included an index of topics which would make it much easier to look up relevant devotionals for specific issues that may arise.

"You can make the greatest speech ever about the love of Jesus, but if your actions don't show love, your words will be ignored. Think about your behavior over the past week--have people seen Christ in you? If not, what can you do this week to show his love to the world?" (from the One More Thought section on page 58)

"What makes us special is not only our body but the signature of God on our lives. We are his works of art. We are created in his image to do good deeds. We are significant, not because of what we do, but because of whose we are." (p. 276)

~I received a free copy of this book via in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
I review for BookLook Bloggers

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