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Monday, March 3, 2014

Faithful Stewards of God's Grace

- One way to show and share God's love to others is hospitality without grumbling/murmuring/grudging. It's a giving of self and substance gladly/cheerfully. It's opening up your heart and home to welcome and uplift others.
- Hospitality is not the same as social entertaining. It focuses on the guests and their needs, not on the host and her home's condition or her foods or her ability to entertain. My home is not really mine; it belongs to God (everything does) and I want it to be used by Him for His purpose, glory, and kingdom. My home doesn't have to be spotless or beautifully furnished for me to offer hospitality. As long as those who enter in feel loved and welcome and experience peace and joy, that's all it matters :).
- We are called to be faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms by using whatever gift we have received to serve others. Everyone has been given some gifts. Find yours and use them to serve God & others. We should invest our time, talents, and treasures where they will make an eternal difference. We are saved to serve! The believers' gifts are not to be laid up for selves but laid out in service. And there's always a gift of grace. Do you minister to others with the grace God has given you? "Free you have received; freely give." ~Jesus (Matthew 10:8b)
- Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? Try this test and see if you agree: :).
- "In the deed that no man knoweth
Where no praiseful trumpet bloweth,
Where he may not reap who soweth,
There, Lord, let my heart serve Thee."

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