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Monday, March 10, 2014

God's Masterpieces

- God created each one of us with our own unique beauty and potential. Praise God that we are His of art created in His image! God's workmanship is marvelous; you and I know it very well...there's no doubt about it.
- We are not an accident. God never makes mistakes. We're the highlight of His creation. He made each one of us specifically on purpose for His purpose.
- Know/see your worth as God sees. You and I are significant, not because of what we do, but because of Whose we are. We are formed & fashioned, loved & treasured, died for & saved by the Creator of the universe!
- Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the wonderful way You created me. Please open my eyes to see the beauty and potential that You see in me and in others. Please show me Your plan and purpose You have set for my life. May my life be an endless praise song to You for the world to hear and an open thank-You card for the world to see!

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