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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Book Review: God and Men No-Holds-Barred by Carlton Lee Arnold

How shall Christian men live according to God's Word? The author selects important verses that are relevant to the issues men face in life. He explains them and shows how to apply them. He shares from his own experiences and he hopes the readers will be challenged to live by God's principles with no compromise. I'm a woman but I still enjoyed reading the book. I felt like I was gleaning advice from a caring mentor with a fatherly concern. I underlined as I read. I appreciate the author's no-nonsense/no sugarcoating approach. I can tell that he's passionate about God and His Word. He wants to see other men develop a strong and deep relationship with God and to see their lives transformed by God's truths.

There are 52 chapters which are divided into 5 sections: Foundations of Being a Believer, The Beginnings of a Growing Faith, Maturing in the Faith, Specific Topics Related to Men, and Future Expectations. At the end of the book, you will find the list of Bible verses used and index of major topics. Some of the topics included are anger, idols, pornography, priorities, purpose, sin, etc. The book can be used as a devotional, a personal Bible study, or a small group Bible study. I've used it in our family's Bible time. I find this book helpful for my 12 and 15 year old sons. The author warns readers against worldly living and encourages them to live for God, instead. I want my sons to live for God and be men after God's own heart. This is a great resource for anyone, especially teens, men of any age, or new believers. Practical and insightful!

"God's job description for you would include: get to know Him daily, seek His kingdom first, and go and make disciples--this work is produced by your faith in God...God's job description for you would include: deny yourself; sacrifice for others; and serve others when it's not fun or easy (when others don't deserve it, recognize it, or appreciate it)--this kind of love is prompted from God's unconditional love for you." (p. 57)

"A constant and continually growing relationship with God is the only way to the truth about living. And that TRUTH is a Person--Jesus Christ...He is someone who lives His life in you." (p. 74, 75)

"Do you live each day in the amazing wonderment of what God has done and will do?" (p. 146)

~ I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.


  1. I hoe the section of specific topics for men covers the need to choose a wife properly and how to be a good father! I am so sick of the divorce rate in this country and the willy-nilly "let's get married" thing that goes on!


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