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Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday's Fave Five #94

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story)

My Fave Five this week:

1. "I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now." ~Unknown I really like this Thai commercial but I cannot help thinking about one thing: kindness (good deeds) will not save anyone spiritually. We all need Jesus! 

2. A beautiful testimony of God's goodness--a 10-year-old blind, autistic boy sang "Open the Eyes of My Heart" for the glory of God!

3. How many times have you heard the song, "Let It Go" from the movie Frozen? Many people start to get tired of it :). Personally, I don't mind the original song. I just think this parody is funny.  
4. I enjoyed watching some of the Together for the Gospel conference's livestream sessions. I'm glad that I'll be able to watch the ones I missed later on the website.

5. I'm excited to have discovered the
Jubilee Project on Youtube. "We exist to tell stories that inspire change! We believe that Doing Good is Contagious and together we can change the world!" They're a group of gifted young Christians who shares meaningful, inspiring messages through short films. Check out their videos  here.

Extra: Since April 1st, I've been participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge (blogging every day of this month #blogboost) and the A to Z Challenge (blogging from A to Z in April). It's been fun and challenging.

Extra Extra:
You can read my review and enter to win a copy of The Sparkle Egg at . This is a delightful children's book (for ages 4 to 8) about the true promise of Easter (I prefer Resurrection Sunday :)). Ends 4/13


  1. Looks like some great videos here! I will have to check them out after work today...have a blessed Holy Week and Happy Resurrection Day a little early!!

  2. I posted that Frozen video too. Very funny, I totally related. I could not get that song out of my head for a week. The blind autistic boy singing was wonderful.

  3. I finally saw Frozen last night. I had seen the parody before the original but it was still funny.

    The Thai commercial is really good--but as you say, not complete.

  4. That Frozen parody is hilarious!

    I had seen the other two on facebook - very touching.

    Now I'm off to check The Jubilee Project.

    Happy weekend!

  5. I've seen that parody from Frozen - hilarious!

    I so agree that kindness will not save anyone spiritually and that we all need Jesus!


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